My father-in-law and I are in the market for a super cub. Previously had a pa-18 with 180hp and tundras until somebody ran it out of fuel and crashed into a corn field. We are curious about leading edge slats but hear mixed reviews. Don't care about short takeoff/landing because I know any cub can perform well there. More interested in safety and benefits and negatives.
Another question and I know it all depends on the builder but how well are some of these kit planes built? Interested in a couple for sale but unsure because someone who I don't know put it together. One forsale is a SQ-3 and I can't seem to find much information about it.
Thanks for your help. New to the kit/experimental area
Another question and I know it all depends on the builder but how well are some of these kit planes built? Interested in a couple for sale but unsure because someone who I don't know put it together. One forsale is a SQ-3 and I can't seem to find much information about it.
Thanks for your help. New to the kit/experimental area