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Speaker - Cessna replacement?


Registered User
Madison, Cheeseland
I drive a '79 180K and am in the process of replacing the headliner. The (working) 6"x9" speaker has deteriorated and needs to be replaced. There are two connectors (+ & -) on the speaker, one wire to the audio panel and one to ground (airframe). There is no additional equipment that utilizes the speaker as an annunciator. This speaker has 4 2" standoffs to secure it in place. Being 2" thick, it will probably be difficult to find an off-the-shelf speaker that meets fire standards?
I would think this will be a 4 Ohm 10 Watt speaker because of the 28v system?
I can't seem to find a replacement part or the Ohm/Watt rating? The Illustrated Parts Manual redirects to the "Electronics Manual", which I don't have.
Does anyone have the part number, an Ohm/Watt rating, a source for a replacement, a PFD of the Electronics Manual?
Will anyone have this in stock for pick-up at AirVenture?
Your best bet may be a speaker that someone has removed. If I could remove mine easily, you'd be welcome to it.....useless weight.

That said, most aircraft audio I've been around operates at high impedance, like ~ 600 ohms, if memory serves. Check your headset impedance as an example. It's possible that the speaker output is lower impedance, but I doubt it.

Ask here if anyone has a speaker laying around, I'll be you'll have a response in a day.

The aircraft speakers I've seen have tiny magnets compared to the even the cheapest radio or hifi speakers. I'm guessing the compass is easily swayed by hi quality hi gauss magnets. But the direct-coupled transistorized output of a modern radio can usually drive any 8-16 ohm speaker. Please consult your manual.
My books show it as a 0770731-1 (speaker, 180/185 only), Textron shows it as superseded by S4628-1636
Try YingLing if you don't find it elsewhere, Textron has 30+ in stock.
Textron list is $437
No details listed in book or by Textron.

P.S. They show that as non-returnable and they are buggers about that. Might want to confirm my book skills before getting on the hook.

Find a 4Ω, minimum 10 watt, all weather car speaker. It will work just fine and cost less than $100.

Get on the Skywagon Facebook page. Lots of guys are stripping their interiors including the speaker and overhead lights. Somebody has one bound for the trash.