Registered User
I have been lurking on this forum since I was 15 when my family moved back to AK and my dad bought a Super Cub. I believe I officially joined when I was 16. I had always been into aviation, but Cubs immediately fascinated me and I was hooked. When I was 18 I went in on a 65hp Taylorcraft with my brother, that plane taught me more about the art of flying than anything else. I ended up selling it my last year in college because I needed the money for a commercial fishing boat, which ended up allowing me to buy a F-19 Taylorcraft the following year. After my first daughter was born we decided we needed more seats so we bought a Pacer and sold the F-19. Both Taylorcrafts were great airplanes and I will always love them. The Pacer has been a great plane, it is so useful flying our family around while still being a capable man off airport plane that I don’t see myself ever selling it. As much as I love the Pacer, the dream for the last 18 years has been a cub. Hardly a day has gone by where I haven’t thought of it. We have been saving our pennys and today was the day it all paid off. I’m super thankful for all the help I’ve had along the way from my family, and for this community that helped inspire my passion for off airport shenanigans, and last but not least to SJ for creating and maintaining my absolute favorite forum! I haven’t got to fly her yet, insurance will go on tomorrow but the wx is supposed to be cruddy all week. Hopefully we get a break and I make it out for a quick flight!
Edit: I don’t know why the pictures are upside down, they are right side up on my phone :roll:
Edit: I don’t know why the pictures are upside down, they are right side up on my phone :roll: