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Fly J3 from front seat?

It is possible, and legal in a lot of them, to solo from the front seat without wing tanks. Check the type certificate for weight/balance criteria for front solo.
My old cub....

In my old J3, it wasn't possible to taxi the plane from the front seat, much less fly it from that position. How do I know? I tried it. With just a touch of power, just off of idle, the tail would come up. I quickly concluded that flying from the front seat wasn't possible. Now my old cub was a Reed Clipped Wing version, but I can't see that it would make any difference.


a close friend of mine has a J3 and we have always flown it from the front seat, no problems ........

helps a bit to throw 50lbs or so in the baggage area if solo ......
Why would you want to? Visibility, room, and access to baggage is better from the back. Plus it's a bunch easier to fall into the back seat then slither into the front.

I was 6'1" and 195 lbs when I bought my Cub, but my duster pilot instructor was smarter than me and wanted to sit in the back. Stock 65 hp J-3, no radios, original instruments. He soloed me in the front, and to this day I have no problems at all flying from the front. Sure is more room in the back, though. Don't lock your brakes for more than a heartbeat or two, and release them when the tail comes up.
fly j3 from the front

I do it quite often, usually when my passenger is heavier than me or if i am taking a non-pilot looking around
I've done some long cross country flights in the J-3. I bring along some sections of conform foam and use it when flying from the front seat. Makes a huge difference. On the last trip I flew a 7 hour day in the front seat without any problem, thanks to the foam.

Solo, however, I've aways flown from the back. Much more accommodating.
I always fly my J-3 from the back except when I have a bunch of stuff to haul such as tool box, test cables, parts, and computer. There isn't room in the front seat to secure all that stuff so I put it in the back and fly from the front, no problem. My tools and the computer take care of the weight and balance problem. The carburetter heat is hard for me to reach from the back so I have a lanyard tied to it to pull it on and I use my right foot to push it off. By-the-way, you can always tell a J-3 Cub pilot by looking at his shoes; the sides are always scratched up from the frayed ends of the rudder cables. ...Clyde Davis
fly j3 from the front

i like the lanyard idea, with my shoulder straps on i can't reach the carb heat from the rear seat
Lippy said:
Why would you want to? Visibility, room, and access to baggage is better from the back. Plus it's a bunch easier to fall into the back seat then slither into the front.


Maybe he wants to experience the fun of flying with his knees hooked over the ear pieces of his headset...
Jory Cofield said:
lippy, old crowe
maybe you boys just need a little exercise?? the visibility from the front is also 100% better than in the back

Exercise? Isn’t that when one fills the bathtub up full of water, sit down in the sudsy water, pull the plug and fight the current? I’m not a little guy… 6’1” and 200 pounds.

Eric- What’s the deal with 3:24? You aren’t moving to San Francisco and voting for Obama are you? LMAO!

Nope still straight and still a redneck. She is attractive though and I had a crush on her until she walked off Johnny Carson.
Ok partner just checkin’. :howdy I do think if I found a personal trainer like her I’d bring a lawn chair and my cooler to the gym. Sitting with my feet up drinking a beer… :cheers

Things are going better now. Hope the same is true to the north…

Jory Cofield said:
lippy, old crowe

like I said never had a problem, in this particular aircraft there seems to be lots of room in the front, only J3 I have ever flown though maybe some are different? .... I find it no different than sitting in the front seat of my Supercub......

maybe you boys just need a little exercise?? :)

the visibility from the front is also 100% better than in the back

I also enjoy being able to reach the carb heat, fuel valve, as well as the GPS.....

Yours must be modified like I'd like mine to be,. Its a wag aero cubby but the front seat hurts the top of my back because its so upright- cant hardly stand it for 5 minutes- I'd like a little more leg room and the seat to lean back like a supercub - dont mind flying from the back but the front is tough on passengers.
The spar location is what makes the Super Cub different in front. You can sit with your head in the approximate position of the J-3 spars when in the front of the Super Cub. The neat thing about the Super Cub is, when you need to transition a pilot to a biplane, put him/her in the back seat of the Super Cub for an hour of pattern work. Can't see nothin' back there. In the J-3, you can see fine from either seat.
scout88305 said:
Nope still straight and still a redneck. She is attractive though and I had a crush on her until she walked off Johnny Carson.
I thought that it was Raquel Welch that walked off Carson. Something about her cat.
If you look at the pictures, a lot of those 12-year olds who went to war in L4s in Europe used to solo them from the front seat. Looks pretty cramped as they were all skinny, but six feet!