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Well, I just took possession of my Javron Super Cub kit and of course, one of the things you have to do is start a build thread. �� Lead time was 18 months, considerably longer than expected, but there you go. Kit quality is superb and pretty much everybody I've shown it to agrees. I'm still short a few parts but I have no doubt I will get them. The wing is a work of art. I've had it about a week now and thought I would try to document some of it here. Not going to try to compete with Bills thread but thought maybe there were some things that could be added. Mostly, I'm thinking it would be a good idea to have a few folks looking over my shoulder to let me know when I goof up. I may not be good, but I'm slow. �� First thing I've learned, while the old backcountry manual is a great resource, things have changed since then. Example, I'm looking for 6 stringers, and only find 4. Turns out I'm not short, instead, Jay now welds the upper side stringers into the frame. Anyway, just an example. Like I said, the old build manual l is great, but you can't just use it blindly, you have to figure out what's right and whats superseded. I've still got to figure out how to post photos but I'll put some up.
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