Back when, the Fish and Wildlife Service aircraft division got a few field approvals for a modification to the AWB 2500 wheel skis to permit operation with 25 inch Airwheels. These skis had extended operating arms to accomodate the tires.
There are still a few of those skis around, but I doubt you could get them approved in this day and age on any airplane they're not already approved on, as in serial number.
In any case, they were VERY heavy (think very heavy skis, PLUS very heavy tires) and they weren't all that great in teh ski department.
I think I remember a guy working at Terry Holidays shop, Birchwood Alaska, was make some modifications to the Federal AWB's as recent as a couple of years ago. I might have even talked to him at one time about these skis.
I seen a set of these things as was throughly impressed! Granted it has been several years, but if I rember correctly he was adding some bottom width, and carving out the "hole" to accept the larger tires. I'm sure he was also doing some work to the "throw" so the larger tire could fully retract & extend. I wish I could remeber who I was talking to about these skis. During one conversation I remember somone telling me they were very impressed with the performance. Not sure about the weight.
At any rate, if you're interested in learning more I think a call to Holidays would be a step in the right direction; 907-688-4337.
I could use 26" BW with my AWB2500s. Arm was the same but it looked like the ski was cut out for the larger tire. Ive seen C2200s modified with a longer arm to accomadate larger tires on cubs . AWB2500 intstalled weight of everything with 1/4 plastic and Atlee attach fittings is 130 lbs.
Atlee is setting up my AB2500 skies,(overhauling) with 3" extended gear / fittings w/ 1-1/4"axels. I'm planning on using the goodyear 26" blimp tire set up & I'm contemplating having Terry extend the bottoms he does a great job on the skies. theres a few cubs on lake hood set up like this 130 lbs eh! well it is what it is I guess.
If you don't lengthen the arms, the tires stick down below the skis. The AWB 2500 A's were approved with 8.50 X6. tires, which are close to the size of the Goodyear 26 inch tires. I don't think those skis were ever legally approved on the Cub, but most probably would install them and not ask.
Atlee has made these skis compatible with big tires before, so should work.
Note that the SKIs alone add 130 pounds. Now, add the weight of the tires, and by the way, compute a CG for grins to see where your CG is.
EWCG 10.4 skis up. EW 1254 with battery under front seat and 26 in Goodyear tires.. Skis were 110 lbs with 1/4 plastic which adds about 15 lbs to each ski. Attach fittings are 13 lbs, 7 lbs for pump and plumbing. The arms were not modified. Super Cub had no problems CG wise even flying solo. Just trim the nose up 2 more turns for landing. Everything you put in it moves the CG aft anyhow. My skis were field appoved. The AWBs are heavy but for the price there ok.
Lets see how good my math is tonight; figure about $7,500 for the ski's all rigged, on the plane-ready to go, divided by about 130lbs = $57.69 per pound.
I wonder if this ratio works for the rest of the plane? Lets see, a decent old Red & White Cub with a value of, lets say...> $85,000, it weighs about 1,100lbs. This works out to be about $77 per pound.
Just like Myth Busters. Yep, this myth is confirmed! The skis are a good price for the weight!
We are taking a different tack, use a small tire 8.00-6 and then with a closed door you have a straight ski. Design is full of tradeoffs, I would say that the average pilot would rather not be stuck in snow (out in the wilderness), then be stuck at a gravel runway with small tires. Engineering is full of tradeoffs.
So, Gary when do WE get to play with a set of these fabled skies? I mean for the super cubs???? as far as I know the only set out there is for a recycled anchovy can !
The factory weight of the L2500A ski with rigging is 33lbs, if you subtract the wheel and brake, it doesn't take a mathematian to see the added weight (very small). The skis for the Supercub I am going to start working on after I return from vacation (In January). The Cub skis have already been designed in 3-D cad, I am just going to see if the full scale mockup is going to match my performance specifications. When I start down the road of certification, I cannot honestly give a time when the skis will be fully certified. The only thing I can say is that we are definetly commited to certifying a Cub wheel ski. The track record for Airglas (51 years) is that we are going to get a hydraulic wheel ski certified for the Super Cub.
26H has AWB2500 with the big bottoms. Yes they are heavy, yes you are correct in that they do not perform with straight skis. The math used by my friend in Dillingham is flawed. I don't think a person could purchase and install a set for $7500.00. More like $13,000. min. To do it right (extra gear, brakes, tires, stainless hose etc....) I use 8.50's and have plenty of clearance both up and down. In the spring I take them clam digging and land on sand bars. It sure is nice to pump them down and go rather than trying to brake lose skiis with frosty bottoms.
Everything is a trade off and AWB2500 are just like anfib floats....
Gary, I'm glad your working on the cub model , folks in the future are going to like what you put out. I will fly my awb's until then. has anyone out there installed the AOSS system with awb2500's & what would be the benefits of 26"AK bush wheels over goodyear26" with the awb set up?
cubscull, I never weighed my 26 BW but I did weigh my other 3 sets of tires on on a Cleveland 40-60 wheel. 29 bias 38 lbs, 26 Goodyear 31 lbs, 850 24 lbs. Weighed my 29 radial last week and it was 37 lbs on a 40-60 wheel. On a bath room scale.
I paid $6000.00 for my AWB2500s 7 years ago. they came with HD cub gear, attach fittings, Clevelands and 25 in Airwheels?, pump and selector. When I sold my cub that had them last month I let the skis go with it and figured they were worth about $5000.00. Im just going to use Aero 2000s until Airglas certifies their hyd ski and then go from there.
I dont know if you would realy gain much from using 26 BW over 26 Goodyears. May gain 1-1.5 in of ski to ground clearance.