chapter one - cont'd
Okay. Accommodations (at a good buddy bargain rate) in the spare bedroom came along with a rather clear and unambiguous set of rules provided by you-know-WHO. Much to my dismay rule number one was NO
! Inasmuch as I didn’t have any money however
, that wasn’t an immediate obstacle. But I must now set about finding employment.
I short order....only a day or two, I had secured a job literally across the street at one of our town’s few dry goods outlet. The store sold everything from trinkets and charm bracelets to a complete line of home furnishings and clothing for all shapes and sizes of both sexes. (Back when there WERE only two sexes. :roll: ) Like my new landlord(s) the families who jointly owned this operation were friends. Their children had ridden with me across vast distances as passengers when traveling to school basketball tournaments and such. Also two of the owners were instrument rated private pilots themselves. 8)
They were most understanding
of my mental “state of affairs”
and had the good grace to refrain from any embarrassing questions
whilst still making it clear that if I ever “needed to talk” they were there. Incredibly kind and fun to work with, they set about teaching me all that there was to learn about the retail and dry goods business. Shipping, receiving and storage. Pricing and markup percentages. Inventories and display techniques. Fascinating stuff actually but not long in becoming routine and boring.
And then came the first two full-time paychecks. Holy Mother Theresa Batman!!
I put in 40 hours for that! WOW! I guess I forgot that $8.50 per hour instead of FORTY-FIVE dollars per hour would have a large impact on the numbers to the left of the decimal.
I quickly determined that I would be lucky if I could save up for one trip a year to Anchorage since I also no longer had access to reduced-rate “interline” travel discounts. I figured that my entire monthly “take home” from this job would be eaten up by the rent and food bills leaving little to spare for any “lifestyle”.
And I couldn’t ask my new bosses for more as I knew they had paid me the highest prevailing wage they could just to start me.
Nothing to do but find another job to go along with this one, I guess. :-? And fortunately for me, I heard that a job with which I had a close past relationship had opened up. The night shift bartender at the Ponderosa had JUST been fired. Oh boy!!
After a brief meeting with the owner I was hired on a probationary basis. I would work nights after my “day job” ended. For the next few months (as it turned out) I worked Monday thru Friday 8 A.M. thru 5 P.M. at the dry goods store. Across the street for a three hour nap before dinner and reporting for my 9:30 P.M. to 5:30 A.M. bartending shift. Saturdays and Sundays were devoted to catching up on
during the day. The bar shift however went on ceaselessly.
I quickly “learned the trade” and established a reputation with both the bar owner and the clientele as a reliable and well-skilled efficient barkeep
, much as I had the same reputation in my former field.
The owner was very pleased that I chose to skim the customers of THEIR extra cash through “games of chance”
to supplement my hourly pay rather than skimming his till as so many former employees were oft likely to do. In pre-computer days there were countless ways to rip off a bar owner. And the customers always appreciated my offer to “Flip ya’ double or nothing for your order”.
Starting with a 20 dollar bill every night, I’d flip for a single drink at a time. Sometimes losing my stash but four or five out of every seven nights I’d pocket a wad!! As my “bankroll” got bigger I would flip for progressively larger and larger “tabs” many nights walking out with an extra two or three hundred in cash. The trick was, as I had learned from reading about a study conducted by the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology mathematics department, (funded no doubt by our TAX $$) people have an aversion to calling “tails” on a coin toss.
The M.I.T. researchers had 1,000 people call 1,000 coin tosses each over a period of one week. That’s 1 MILLION coin tosses. Slightly over EIGHTY-FIVE PER CENT (84%) of the time....they called heads. And you and I know it can only be heads on an average of 50% of the time. The M.I.T. researchers were at a loss to explain this phenomenon until they played a little “word association” game. Their conclusion? People most frequently called “heads” dues to a deep-seated mental aversion to the negative connotations associated with “tail” such as ASS, which then apparently provoked thoughts entry sex!
Who’da THUNK it!! Over 85% of the world is PREVERTS!
Ha! Whatever! Armed with this tidbit of knowledge and an ever-present ready to toss quarter...I made thousands! Tax free!
Also in a state where drinking is regarded as an Olympic Sport, I discovered that having a bartender for a boyfriend/playmate ranks not too far behind having a bush pilot for a boyfriend. Hence, many of my “trap line” still felt that a short term or other um....relationship with me had it’s ...uh....BENEFITS! Further, as the only sober male in the entire room, I was able to watch as my competitors invested their monies and time for hours before admitting defeat and moving on. This would leave me many times with one or more of the girls competing for my attentions at closing time had I not already zeroed in on a “target”.
Okay. I know (now) that such talk and behavior is reprehensible.
And I herewith offer my apologies to all who might be offended. (The fact that I am now old, fat, getting grey and have little to no hope of “closing the deal” these days in no way mitigates the sincerity of or blanket-amnesty forgiveness expected as a result of this apology.) But hey...I digress.
The bar owner was also a private pilot and very interested in flying. A bit of a “peacock” in his own right he had nailed me from the get-go about my “career change” wanting to know what had happened. What caused it. And basically intimating in couched terms that I was somewhat of a PUSS
if I can’t get back on a bronco that’s bucked me off.
However, I let his comments slide. Other than that little “rub”, we were becoming pretty good friends and he was giving me more and more responsibility and latitude to run the bar as our mutual trust grew.
There were other comments however. Ones in particular that wasn’t so EASY to ignore.