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Wasilla Lodge Owner Has C-206 and Supercub Confiscated, Jail Time

The seizing of personal property by the government is a problem that needs to be addressed. it goes too far.
The seizing of personal property by the government is a problem that needs to be addressed. it goes too far.
Well, I guess they could have put him in prison forever with his keep paid for by the tax payers (per prisoner costs can easily run $70 per day)... from what I have read they took away to tools he used to willfully and repeatedly violate the law, which sounds appropriate to me.
Wouldn't the money for the fine be considered personal property, too?

Looks to me like the judge decided to take some of his personal property because he had decided it was ok to illegally and repeatedly take public property (the game) for personal profit. The airplanes were tools he used to steal. I doubt a bank robber would be allowed to keep his getaway car!

If the prosecution is even close to correct, every hunter and guide out there is a lot better off without this guy.
There is no even handedness in alot of this type of thing. One outlaw is a hero in the eyes of some, one gets crucified, another gets something in between. I once lost 15 sets of moose antlers (40"-55") from legally harvested animals off First Nations in Canada. Antlers mean little to subsistance hunters. I applied and got Canadian export permits, declared them at customs, was inspected and let through at the border only to be notified a month later I failed to obtain a commercial import permit for the US side. All were seized. $1000 fine. Truck was in jeporady for awhile there. I was told the antlers were distributed to the numerous "Walls of Shame" you see at shows. What a bunch of bullshit. All those sportsmen and women looking at those beautiful antlers and assuming the worst case scenerio; the animal was poached. I am livid just typing this. I'm all for Wildlife Enforcement but I do not feel the punishment fits the crime in many cases. Too lenient sometimes, too extreme the other. Working in LE I see those arrested for crimes that in my opinion are much more damaging and dangerous to soceity than someone shining a deer. Often times the wildlife violation results in more charges than for an assault or drug charge. Crazy I say...end rant
This guy should be punished so please don’t confuse my comments about that; particularly in Alaska where the citizens consider the resources of the land very valuable. At least that’s my interpretation. Misdemeanor and felony crimes (should) have specific penalties associated with them. Picking a random penalty as an example would be a $10,000 fine for each occurrence and up to 1 year in prison. The punishment should be very specific to the crime, not the persons’ wealth position and not whatever the government can grab. This guy was busted for fishing and hunting (assuming guns and bows) so did they confiscate those items? They should have but not airplanes. Article just said he couldn’t hunt or fish for the rest of his life. The cost of prosecution of crimes should be reimbursed through penalties and the balance at government benefit or expense. I’m sure the government made money on Bernie Madoff. It leaves to much discretion in the hands of the judicial branch of government and that’s why I feel uncomfortable. Property seizer can be expanded by jurisdiction and by judges. What if you throw a piece of trash out the window of your car? Should you lose your car? Of course not but you could with a slightly heavier crime and at the discretion of a judge.

Some how it reminds me of a progressive tax system but for the courts. Poor guy gets busted and his attorney is free and he does time and that's it because that's all the government can get. Guys got a few assets and a little cash and it's confiscated by the governement and in the end you have a different penalty for the same crime.
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Not to sound rude.. but. you must not get out much.

This guy was busted for fishing and hunting (assuming guns and bows) so did they confiscate those items? They should have but not airplanes


I would have to say that if you think he just hunted or fished and got caught for it and they took his plane away for that, you have no idea what you are talking about and have no idea who the guy is your talking about. And in Alaska we usually use airplanes to hunt. Just like the police seize vehicles drug dealers use, boats, cash, etc.

You should do your research before ranting on here. It makes you look stupid, hopefully your not. If you paid for a hunt in Alaska, try minimum $10,000 plus, and this guy led you to kill illegal game, the game was seized, and you were facing charges, would you feel like what he did was a crime that deserved punishment. Here, I'll help you out. Sorry for the attitude but its tiring.

http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/housing/closetohome/2008-09-22-wasilla-alaska_N.htm Check out the 2.35 million dollar house.....yep, Kurt Lepping's. What do you think helps pay for that house? He isn't taking people hunting/fishing for free.


Here is a case from 2001 where he lost his guiding license. Also mentions a case from 1999.

Alaska Wildlife Troopers called it the worst pattern of violations ever committed in Alaska by a commercial guide. (You mean they weren't just picking on him for catching a few to many salmon?)

Read more: http://www.thenewstribune.com/2011/...wner-sentenced-to-700-days.html#ixzz1Bv6hajmc

Maybe making sure there are still animals around so your children can enjoy hunting and fishing doesn't matter to some people, but if you had any idea the amount of money people can make by breaking the law maybe you would get the point. It would be like selling illegal drugs, making a million dollars, and then when you get caught, complaining that you have to pay a 100K fine. He knew the rules and decided to break them. Why would people defend that on a site where I would think most people are hunters and fishermen. Plus he took clients from the legal guides that are doing things the right way and protecting a resource.

There is a ton more info out there on Kurt Lepping but I'll leave it to you to find. Or you can spend your time just griping about how everyone is out to get you.

For future reference you can look up guides on here to see what they have been charged with before. Or anyone for that matter. Go to this site and type in Kurt Lepping and you might be surprised at what you find.


The seizing of personal property by the government is a problem that needs to be addressed. it goes too far.

So if I come to your house, steal your car, steal your money, steal all your furniture and personal belongings, then sell your stolen car and belongings, take all the money, and buy myself a really nice cub, then I should be allowed to keep it right? After all the CUB is now my personal property, it will even be registered in my name. Please forward your address to me or post it up here. I can only imagine how much MORE theft and craziness we would have if things worked that way. Nice try though.
This is not the first time that Kurt has been cross threaded with the State of Alaska game laws. Did he deserve to forfeit his aircraft? That has been a common remedy for game violators in Alaska for many years. Kurt was not the first and I am sure that he will not be the last to give ADF&G a new airplane either.

Having said that, I think that the point that Brittle was trying to make is more about judicial activisim than anything else. There needs to be a limit to government confisication and asset forfeiture laws. Our government especially on the national level has become way too intrusive in our day to day lives. As a result many of us find ourselves intimidated by our government. The government has used asset forfeiture as a means to punish the guilty when they couldn't get convictions for all they "new" that had been done.

Kurt new the chances he was taking and has been taking for many years, he deserved what he got.
It's always been standard procedure here.. anything used in the offence of the crime of poaching/fishing/hunting out of season is seized . Whether it be the aircraft that got you there.. or the Escalade/trailer/boat. I just wish the Ontario Government/MNR would get back to those days of enforcing it, instead of the slaps on the wrist and property return they've been giving out lately. The message they are sending doesn't detour anyone from raping the resource.... but I can sure guess that any in Alaska right now are giving second thoughts to it. I'm surprised they didn't take his house as proceeds of crime!
I think that the point that Brittle was trying to make is more about judicial activisim than anything else. There needs to be a limit to government confisication and asset forfeiture laws. Our government especially on the national level has become way too intrusive in our day to day lives. As a result many of us find ourselves intimidated by our government. The government has used asset forfeiture as a means to punish the guilty when they couldn't get convictions for all they "new" that had been done.

Kurt new the chances he was taking and has been taking for many years, he deserved what he got.

This guy was busted for fishing and hunting (assuming guns and bows) so did they confiscate those items? They should have but not airplanes.
He stated that they should seize guns and bows, but not airplanes. You are comparing apples to oranges. Here is an instance where a guy finally got what he deserved and people are whining that the government shouldn't be doing it. This is the exact reason the law exists.

I disagree with plenty also but why take a story about someone finally being held accountable for their actions and when the laws for when to seize property is being used correctly to complain about the process? It just makes it appear that he doesn't understand the case and has no clue what he is talking about.

Why not find one of the many cases of asset seizure that he has researched and has information on where the government overstepped its authority and post it and then complain about that specific case. Posting on this one just makes people look like no matter what is done they hate anyone telling anyone what laws they need to live by. It just goes from one extreme to the other with no valid points in the middle.
If they Seize the "tools" guns and bows, then Why not his aircraft, they are his tools he was using when he was doing wrong. At least that's how I see it.

The STATUTE must include a seizure clause for the courts to authorize a forfeiture. If it's not in the law/regulation (which the COURT has nothing to do with writing or implementing) then the judge cannot forfeit "tools" like an airplane.

The hunting/fishing/guiding statutes in AK (and in the federal statutes in many cases) do have forfeiture clauses. A judge MAY authorize forfeiture if there's authorization under the law, but they cannot just authorize a forfeiture without authorization within the guidelines.

It's called checks and balances.

I have no doubt the "spoils of the crimes" in this case, ie: guns, game, trophies, etc were also forfeit. At least the ones they could find.
your correct about "ones they could find" you dont know (read) half the true story on this one............
We must not be talking about the same thing if you’re starting to infer I look stupid and wanting to come to my house and steal from me? I'm new here. This is not my website and I am just a member and visitor and while in someone else’s house I will treat all participates with respect. This is Steve’s website and can be shutdown anytime he wants to.

For clarity, please let me say it again...this guy deserves punishment. Throw him in prison for the rest of his life. (Curious why the judge suspended about a year of the sentence)

My comments are not about that he was rapping the land, making large sums of money and getting off easy. Quite the opposite.

I know he wasn’t a Joe 6-pack going fishing and getting busted, he was a professional guide.

Like I said too... the wildlife is very precious to the people of Alaska and depend on it.

So, are we clear on my comments so far?

If he was doing this for so long and profiting from it substantially, then fine and jail time should be commensurate. Fine him $2M and throw him in jail for 10 years or whatever. My point that seems lost or not agreed upon is the government feels all to comfortable taking your property.

DaleC has me correct!
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I will clarify in a moment, but let me start with this:

I worked for the Lepper a number of years ago. Look in the court records of the Palmer court and find my case against him just to get paid.

Yep, worked for two weeks of moose season flying all day long, got to the end and he says "I am not going to pay you."

Now this is a Big Game Guide charging between $13,000 and $17,500 per hunter, with 16 hunters that two week stint (just for moose, and a few extra for combo clients) and he is not going to pay me. (this was back 14 years ago or so).

Let me paint you a common picture: Hunter comes into base camp, talks about moose/caribou hunt he has bought, then Lepper says: No caribou this year... Well, there had not been caribou there for over ten years, it was not a caribou area, but Lepper charged them for it! "If you want a black bear you can shoot one if you see it" was his concession. (caribou were an hour flight north)

So this one hunter was up river personally guided by the Lepper. Lepper's plane flies to base camp at dark, returns the next morning and flies circles and lands. An hour later we hear shots...

Another client, (this is in court records) shoots a moose that was under size for the area limit, (read not legal), and says "that is not my moose, I want another one." So Lepper has the packer tag the moose, flies it to town and gives it away and lets the hunter shoot moose two. I believe that the packer got shorted in pay also over this.

He would leave meat for days at a kill sight in hopes that the bears would get it so he would not have to fly it out; once in camp he would not use game bags because it cost $ and the meat was "just given away".

So here is a guy using his super cub to spot/heard moose, his 206 to fly clients to camp, and to fly stuff out of camp, has an income of over $200,000 for three weeks work and will not pay a bill for $8,500 to a pilot? He treated the game as if it was his to do as he pleased, and that the laws, put in place to protect the game, were not for him.

In reality, his lodge in Wasilla should also be taken, because it was a base of his illegal activity.

When he was charged after I worked for him, his attorney got his 15 felony counts reduced through a plea bargin, (he could afford good lawyers), and he did not lose any aircraft. He did lose his right to guide for five or ten years, and his hunting privilages in Alaska for five years.

Before he got his guide license back, he was guiding!!!!

Yes, he was using the same aircraft, doing the same activity that got him in trouble before, but without a license.

Should I mention that when I was trying to get paid I would get threatening calls at 2:00 am from him? Do you want to hear about the calls he made to my wife making threats to her?

This guy has no remorse, respect for anyone else, nor anyone's property. He got off light!

Why suspend a year? maybe to make him a better citizen after he gets out... bet it does not.

If any of you doubt the statements/accusations made above, please call me and I can give you names. I no longer have exact dates, but should be able to find them if you really want to know.

As an after thought, Lepper lied on the stand in my case against him... and got caught red handed. After dealing with four lawyers of his over four or five years, he suddenly wanted to pay off the judgment. I got paid, but it was a grind. Another pilot that got screwed like I did helped me with documentation to Lepper's lie, without him, I would have lost.

My wife reminded me that prior to my case, Lepper had intimidated everyone else in the area to the point no-one would go after him for payment on bills. After my case, a dam broke, and many cases came against him. I was lucky that one individual was willing to stand up against him with me, because all others were afraid to get involved.
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Again, it is NOT the courts that establish forfeiture of property as part of sentencing, it is the legislators and commissions who promulgate the statutes.

Most judges do NOT like to assign jail time for game law violations, for some reason. I suspect most judges don't view game violations as a violation against people, therefore not as "significant". So, it's often easier for a judge to forfeit the "tools" used to violate the statute than it is to assign jail time. In this guy's case, he got both, but jail time reduced.

Like another I can think of, this guy will probably be right back at it as soon as he's out of jail. No guide's license to lose now.....

Needs to be locked up a long time. Glad to hear you finally got your money but you deserve more for everything he put you through.

Again, it is NOT the courts that establish forfeiture of property as part of sentencing, it is the legislators and commissions who promulgate the statutes.

Most judges do NOT like to assign jail time for game law violations, for some reason. I suspect most judges don't view game violations as a violation against people, therefore not as "significant". So, it's often easier for a judge to forfeit the "tools" used to violate the statute than it is to assign jail time. In this guy's case, he got both, but jail time reduced.

Like another I can think of, this guy will probably be right back at it as soon as he's out of jail. No guide's license to lose now.....


Agree mvivion.
With as much of an ass as this guy was, and as much bush as there is in alaska why didn't someone just go wack this guy already.
With as much of an ass as this guy was, and as much bush as there is in alaska why didn't someone just go wack this guy already.

That's an awful comment to make about anyone.

You guys have turned this thread into a gang beating of an already established bad reputation. You all must feel really good about yourselves.

That's an awful comment to make about anyone.

You guys have turned this thread into a gang beating of an already established bad reputation. You all must feel really good about yourselves.

Stewart I wasn't suggesting that I would ever operate that way I'm a law abiding citizen. But when you start threatening people, lets just say you try that with the wrong person "and you know things happen". You and I might be law abiding but not everyone is.
We must not be talking about the same thing if you’re starting to infer I look stupid and wanting to come to my house and steal from me? I'm new here. This is not my website and I am just a member and visitor and while in someone else’s house I will treat all participates with respect. This is Steve’s website and can be shutdown anytime he wants to.

For clarity, please let me say it again...this guy deserves punishment. Throw him in prison for the rest of his life. (Curious why the judge suspended about a year of the sentence)

My comments are not about that he was rapping the land, making large sums of money and getting off easy. Quite the opposite.

I know he wasn’t a Joe 6-pack going fishing and getting busted, he was a professional guide.

Like I said too... the wildlife is very precious to the people of Alaska and depend on it.

Well, I'm sorry if I offended you, I'm not trying to tick you off but again its frustrating when people post and they don't know what they are talking about. So I'll try once again.

I was saying you appeared stupid because you were commenting on a story you knew nothing, or little about, and got the facts flat wrong. I wasn't saying I wanted to come steal from you but using that analogy to try to express to you, and make you think about the question, is it his property if he bought it with other peoples money? That is the point of the seizure law. Thanks for pointing out this is not your website and you are just a visitor here. That was helpful.

For clarity, please let me say it again...this guy deserves punishment. Throw him in prison for the rest of his life. (Curious why the judge suspended about a year of the sentence)
So now we went from don't seize an aircraft to throw him in jail for the rest of his life? I'm already starting to like you more. And the judges typically suspend some jail time so they will have that hanging over their head for the next time they think about committing a crime. It does cost to keep people in jail and no matter how important wildlife is, crimes against humans usually gets more attention.

I know he wasn’t a Joe 6-pack going fishing and getting busted, he was a professional guide.
:stupid Again, I hate to keep pointing this out but once again you don't know what you are talking about. He was NOT a professional guide. That's the whole
point!! Again, he was NOT a guide. He did not have a guide license, but was acting as one. :bangDid you even read the article or did the government seize something from you?

Now please don't take this as me saying the government should have their hand in everything. You used this thread to complain about the State taking his plane and the government in general overstepping its bounds.

If it weren't for the government seizing items that were obtained through illegal means there would be even more motivation for people to break the law than there is now.

Here is a way to fix this issue that you have with seizure. Don't take things illegally and obey the law, if you don't like the law, work on getting the law changed.

Again, I'm sorry if I offended you but its frustrating when people use an example of when the laws worked as they were intended, to try to blame the government. They did something right for a change (or at least the right direction).

And I'm glad that Steve has this website up for everyone to use. Discussion about these topics is a good way to see others viewpoints. So I'll agree to disagree with you on this. And if you come to Alaska I'll buy you a beer and maybe we can go flying (not after the beers of course) . Sounds like the conversation wouldn't be boring. So what are your thoughts on Palin? j/k :lol:
One thing I learned long ago--that people like the Lepper not only violate one law--they violate them all. Someone mentioned that he has a 2.5 million dollar house, a 206 and a PA-18. I am curious as to the cost of purchasing aforementioned plus upkeep viz a vis his annual gross income. I would venture to guess that Mr. Lepper may have been less than
forthcoming in declaring earned income. It would be a terrible thing if someone contacted the Internal Revenue Service. There are multiple laws governing self employment and withholding that may have been violated as well. With people like Mr. "Lepper", you can't dig the hole deep enough.

As for Mr. Brittle and his observations. A judge cannot arbitrarily seize personal property without statutory authority.

I agree with your basic premiss. Unfortunately you were COMPLETELY misunderstood. Hang in there.

My personal feeling is there should be MUCH harsher penalties for guys like the aforementioned.
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Again, it is NOT the courts that establish forfeiture of property as part of sentencing, it is the legislators and commissions who promulgate the statutes.

Most judges do NOT like to assign jail time for game law violations, for some reason. I suspect most judges don't view game violations as a violation against people, therefore not as "significant". So, it's often easier for a judge to forfeit the "tools" used to violate the statute than it is to assign jail time. In this guy's case, he got both, but jail time reduced.

Like another I can think of, this guy will probably be right back at it as soon as he's out of jail. No guide's license to lose now.....


When I read the story Mike I thought the same thing.
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I agree with your basic premiss. Unfortunately you were COMPLETELY misunderstood. Hang in there.


Bill - Thank you for the lifeline and I'll be really glad when the new membership initiation is over! Is there beer at the party?