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Trim Help


I'm just finishing up my TW endorsement (and am a very low hour private with about half of my time to date in my 77 SC) and the other day when we were working on various approach configurations I went to a full flap - power on - approach approach at 65mph (over the fence) for a wheel landing and ended up not having enough nose down trim (it was to the stop) to not keep from having to STIFF arm the stick which was uncomfortable for me. This day we were about 1/3 fuel for (1603# and 16inches aft CG) this is the only time I have ever run out of trim.

Typically I have flown with mostly above half fuel and my neutral trim (hands off cruise) pointer position for me and my instructor is about mid-way between the middle mark and full forward. With full fuel and the bulky two of us we end up at 1735# & 16.6 inches. In this config. I only have to run through about 1 turn from take-off to cruise and back to landing.

What I am wondering is with how far forward the trim tends to run and given all that if perhaps my trim is rigged incorrectly (if that can be) or is this a Super Cub thing that I need to live with... but it would seem like I should be able to trim closer to neutral for a somewhat fast slow flight configuration.

Thanks in advance for all help, advice, and even you fool quit thinking so much you're going to bruise yourself again realizations.

Kirby, I think your trim is fine and I wouldn't worry about the weight and CG. I think you,re just to fast in that configuration. Slow it down and I think you'll notice a big difference. Maybe go 1 notch at that speed and as you slow up, go full flaps.

Scooter, Are you talking 40-45 for 3 pt. and wheel? I have been told to carry a little more speed on wheel landings. I have been using around 50 for 3 pt and 60 for wheel.
You're just going too fast. Is your instructor a Mooney guy? I think you can land a Gulfstream at that speed! Try 45-50 over the fence and get a feel of how the stick feels the slower you get - you'll feel it get mushy if you're going too slow. Practice stalls at altitude - see how slow you're going and listen to how it sounds. I'll say it again; listen to how it sounds. Use the force, Cub man!

Disclaimer: Pay NO attention to ME. I soloed in a golf cart and currently fly a Volkswagon vacuum cleaner.
Thanks for the help, I'll slow down more and get the ice pack after the bruise between my ears.

We were working on a bunch of different landing configurations and he pushed me into some weird ones (Fast, Slow, High, Low and combinations thereof) for me to see how they felt and to work on correction techniques in the SC as compared to the 172 (aka "the flying dump truck") I had done the other half of my training in. I'm taking it that it was definitely not a normal approach situation when the no more trim situation that got me thinking too much occurred.

Again thanks much, I'll have more rookie situations for help with shortly.... kind of like when I request to stay in the pattern to work on landings "Tower, Super Cub 604 is number one for takeoff and for your entertainment I'll be staying in the pattern today"
