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Trim Cables


Registered User
I am busy with the Trim on my experimental and see there are no part numbers or drawings for the 1/16 trim cables.
Is that because each aircraft is different and need to loop the cable through the pulleys from back to the front, mark then cut to length.

Anyone have any advice on splicing the thin cable.
I gave it a go, but was quiet a challenge to get anything that's worth using.

Thank you,
I have drawings but order them from Tony Cesare wbav@beeline-online.net He has an ad in Cub Clues and has been making them for years. He can make them to factory length or custom. Great guy to deal with. Think they are $120 or so.
I have drawings but order them from Tony Cesare wbav@beeline-online.net He has an ad in Cub Clues and has been making them for years. He can make them to factory length or custom. Great guy to deal with. Think they are $120 or so.

By the time you get through reading this manual, poking holes in your fingers and ruining several pieces, the $120 will be cheap. Unless you just want to do it, BECAUSE.
I've had the pleasure of knowing Tony for many years. Give him a shout with your needs. You won't regret it. You might even get a story or two during the experience....
I've had the pleasure of knowing Tony for many years. Give him a shout with your needs. You won't regret it. You might even get a story or two during the experience....

He told me about making a rather large continuous cable for a large piece of oil field equipment. Would like to have seen that.
Our carocell hanger floor is rotated by a 300+ foot long 3/8 diameter continuous cable... Found a local guy that made them for the timber industry... The splice in itself is over 60 feet of the cable... Was interesting watching him work it... I don't think I could do it myself..

I have bought a couple cables from Tony also, well worth the money...

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