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Time for an OKLAHOMA Fly-in.

Sounds like its gonna be a good time Kirby !!! Makes me want to jump in the 11 and head that way.. . . . . . . . . well maybe not all the way !!
Sounds like its gonna be a good time Kirby !!! Makes me want to jump in the 11 and head that way.. . . . . . . . . well maybe not all the way !!
Come on, or just fold yourself into the Mooney and we’ll pick you up at Haskell.
I flew over your place about noon today, just checking for early arrivals. So far, the count is zero, but will check back later in the week.



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I saw an RV about noon was that you. We were getting things ready in the hanger. You need to fly something that can stop in.
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Going to be in on Friday to camp and hang out but my 5 year old is turning 6, so I have to make a birthday party run back to OKC Saturday morning.
Should be back in the afternoon Saturday.

Is the FReQ everyone is going to be using apart from the Unicom ? Just curious.

Sent from my iPhone using SuperCub.Org
Kirby, what freq should we use for traffic at your strip?

122.75 "Crowe Bar Traffic"

Spartan training uses 122.75 and they have an area they call the "Southeast Practice" Area, generally they operate well South of us, their calls are usually in relation to Haskell which is 4 SSE of us. I generally call "SE Area traffic, Cub BR549 inbound landing 2 WSW of the Coweta Bridge."

I am in contact with Spartan so hopefully they won't be around past noon Friday.

Also I'm working up a Navigation brief, will post later today.
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Navigation to the Crowe Bar

The closest place with an FAA designator for Navigation is 2K9 (Haskell) which is 4.8 Statute Miles SE (167 degrees) of us.
According to Google Earth 35 53’ 50.78N 95 41’ 32.31W
Best major landmark for “Texaco Navigation” is the Highway 72 Bridge over the Arkansas River South of the City of Coweta, the bridge runs N/S and is known as the “Coweta Bridge.” We are located 2 miles West of the Bridge and up on the high on the South bluff of the river, look for the cut in the trees at the end of the runway and the green roofed hanger mid-field.
Landing our place is fun, just be ready for SINKERS on final as the air slides off the hilltop.
My comments on what I do are as follows, remember you’re the PIC.

Landing South – Make a good approach, if not turn out early or go around this is not one to try and salvage. There are sinkers and It’s an UPHILL landing.

Landing South is very much optically deceiving due to the elevation change (140’) off the end of the runway. Fly a LEFT PATTERN lining up over the tree line East of the two big ponds (I’m usually a bit high so I can see the windsock) and set your elevation/decent while looking at the runway as once you’re on base if you look down you’ll feel high and if you correct that you’ll be LOW on final, if that happens just turn out and go again. Remember to look back at the runway to judge your base and final turns.

Don’t try to hit the end of the runway as being short would really suck. There are cones at the corners /end of the runway and there will be another set 150’ up which marks a good touch down point.

If there is any wind you will encounter a SINK on final (just as you are looking at the bluff ahead ��). It’s usually short lived but can be strong in moderate winds I so carry some speed (usually at 60+ mph in the Super Cub with a bit of RPM and one or two notches of flaps). I use the SINK to dissipate energy but if you need more give it a shot of power, if you much more then GO-AROUND. For myself, immediately upon exiting the SINK I pull full flaps, throttle back, then Fly THRU the cut in the trees (if you go over them it takes a bunch to get down and that combined with the UPHILL runway makes many opportunities for spectacular bounce pics) then land.

Keep on the runway, its 40’ wide (there will be some short cones for a guide) as the ground slopes away on both sides and if you end up off left (it happens) watch out for the windsock.

If the winds are out of the South East, keep your head, feet and hands working as there can be rotators coming over the trees. If so, just carry a little extra speed, fly thru them for a little longer landing length. Don’t like it GO-AROUND.

Landing North – Make a good approach, if not go around. It’s an slight uphill landing that transitions (just past the hanger) to a DOWNHILL roll out.
Fly a RIGHT PATTERN over the tree line East of the two big ponds (again I’m usually a bit high so I can see the windsock) and set your elevation/decent while looking at the runway.

Don’t try to hit the end of the runway as being short would really suck (it’s a theme). There are cones at the corners /end of the runway and there will be another set 150’ up which marks a good touch down point.

I turn and fly a rounded base well inside of the line of pine trees on the hill so that I don’t get too near the neighbor’s house. Remember to keep looking at the runway to judge your base to final banana turn.

Once converted to Final and I have the runway made then full flaps and down over the canyon but still a bit of power as if there is much wind there will be a (lesser than the other end) sinker on short final, (a little speed thru it works wonders.) If you don’t like the way it looks go-around.
Fly thru the cut in the trees to land because if you’re high, you will be long, and you need to be on the ground well before the hanger.


One last thing. I’m a big believer in Carb heat, I turn it on early before pulling the throttle back in the pattern and once I turn final, I turn it off, so I have better throttle response in case need because go-arounds are good piloting.

I have a couple of handheld radios and will try to be on 122.75 for arrivals just call “Crowe Bar Traffic.”

Notes about the River-
Don’t fly low over ANY of the bridges.

Landing is your decision, and if you do avoid the wet sand and watch for sticks logs and other debris.

There is a Bald Eagle Next about every mile on each side of the Riverbank and will be numerous eagles around, most now are mature so easier to spot but there are still a few teenagers around.

There are WIRES:

  1. At the Bixby Bridge located 11.5 miles WNW (upstream) RED and White towers on each bank
  2. At the Haskell Bridge located 6.0 miles SSE (downstream) These can be difficult to see but they are there.
  3. At the end of the sod farms 11 miles SE. (that’s downstream) and about 5 miles after the big bend in the river at the sod farms.

There are occasional houses along the Riverbank from the Coweta Bridge to the Haskell Bridge, please give proper separation.

Where I fly: Upstream (left turn if departing North) and go a couple miles and turn around at the first bend but you can go on just don’t go past the second bend down low as there is a big soccer complex and lots of cameras and civilization begins.

Downstream (Right Turn if departing North) follow the River and climb up over the Coweta Bridge (2.0 Miles) then follow the river downstream (now going South) looking at stuff then climb to clear the Haskell Bridge and it’s WIRES then drop back down and follow the River to the next bend and around and turn (now going Eastish) around when the crop/sod fields on the left play out watch for the WIRES.

HASKELL – (2K9) 4.5 miles @ 165 degrees. SS at $4.65 but no credit card machine so you’ll need to leave a check in the box and fill out the log on the clip board. The Manager is a good guy and knows about the fly in and will likely be around Friday afternoon and Saturday. They have good N/S paved runway and a parallel grass strip located immediately East of the main runway about midfield and it’s about 1100’x30’. There are access points to the main runway at each end.

There is another N/S grass strip immediately East of the Haskell airport that is private which we are working on gaining access to if it gets DRY.
The main strip has non-standard lighting that is timer controlled. Parking is South of the big hanger

OKMULGEE (KOKM) 21.5 miles @ 222 degrees. SS @ $4.05. They have a mowed grass landing area located between the Taxiway and Runway towards the North end. It begins just south of the Second taxiway if landing South and if landing South is downhill and there is an exit area at the South end.

MUSKOGEE (KMKO) 25.0 miles @ 131 degrees. SS @ $3.95. The SS fuel is located a couple hangers South of the terminal. Lots of pavement here.

CLAREMORE (KGCM) 28 miles @ 202 degrees. SS @ $3.99. They have a mowed grass landing area located between the Taxiway and Runway North of the Taxiway to the ramp.

SAND SPRINGS (KOWP) 32 miles @307 degrees. SS @3.85. They have a mowed grass landing area located between the Taxiway and Runway North of the Taxiway at the ramp.

PONCA CITY (KPNC) 100 miles @ 300 degrees. SS @ $3.90.


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A proper box of Salmon in your luggage ought to hold you a choice spot.

Well, not going to get out of Alaska to come down, but there are about 40 Cohos under the bridge 400 yards from my house. Maybe I can just send some of those to you and make you smile anyway!!
Kirby, great write up, I just have one question, are you the PIC? 8)

Plane Count this morning with the weeks cancellations is right at 20, so there's room and plenty off food for friends and procrastinators but please let me know today if you are cancelling as all the food (except for the bread) will be home made.

The weather is looking great for the weekend, temps will be cool but sunny fall days and the colors are should good following this weeks rain and light freeze (yea no bugs). Overall we've had a bunch of rain (5+ inches in the last week) but the runway and surround drains very well and with sun beginning Thursday we ought to be in great shape. Expect heavy dew overnight so a ground cloth under tents and appropriate footwear will be helpful.

I've had a couple of questions about the donation jar and if all the aircraft and adults that have signed up make it we'll be right at $25 per head for the weekend's expenses on our end and donations will be appreciated.

Meals and basic beverages are included from Friday dinner thru Sunday breakfast except for Saturday's breakfast and lunch. Oh and remember adult beverages are BYOB (I expect beer run Friday afternoon).

Kirby & Nancy
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Weather update:


Friday arrivals look to have a bit of South wind but right down the runway. As for nighttime camping temps were typically a bit warmer than the forecast lows due to being on top of the ridge.


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Our trips to Idaho and Utah this year told us we needed new sleeping bags. They showed up yesterday. This is our chance to see how well they work.
Please post anticipated arrival times, especially if before noon and we’ll have sandwich makings for helpers.
This is Charlotte, communicating for Eddie! Eddie was able to get a slot Tuesday to have cataract surgery on his left eye (he was on the "list" and thought he would have to wait a couple of months). He asked the doctor then if he could travel by the weekend and the answer was "yes" if his eye healed "on time." Well, today he fessed up to the doctor that he wanted to fly to Oklahoma and the doctor told him that he would not advise it! So I have one sad guy here, but he is healing ok and will have the other eye done in a couple weeks. Even if he could/would type, I don't think he would have the heart to tell you that he will not be able to make it since he enjoys your company and stories so much.
Charlotte Doyle, secretary for Eddie Doyle