I think the "defenders of the marque" are maybe getting just a bit carried away with the hype here....
Calvin: The new S-2 Sport Cub has better useful load than a stock J-3? I kind of doubt that. It's a new CERTIFIED aircraft? Nope--approved under LSA, not the same as a CERTIFIED aircraft, even CAR 3. The wings are "far stronger"?? Any documentation of this?
The S-2 looks like a great little airplane, and I have no doubt it has many improvements over a stock J-3 or PA=11. But, the price is TWICE ++- some what a really good J-3 would bring, and TWICE what a PA-11 would. No doubt this little airplane is a jewel, but as you noted--prices are astronomical.
The Top Cub is the "best cub out there if you have the money"?? Let's see-NO ski approval. Only ONE float approval (Super Cub has seven or eight). Heavy (I've flown two, both over 1300 pounds). Burn lots of gas (O-360). Virtually NO STC'd modifications available (we had to field approve a windshield defroster, and we were lucky our FSDO still approves stuff like this!!). No detectable HINT of cabin heat (neither did the original Super Cub, but there are dozens of mods to fix it in THAT airplane). Company is so busy cranking out Sport Cubs that they arent' improving the Top Cub. I've flown a number of Super Cubs that will outperform the Top Cub. The Top Cub is a nice airplane, it's new, and there is no doubt that the useful load of the Top Cub is really nice--you just don't have to worry about weight at all. That said, I've flown a 1030 pound 160 hp Super Cub with a Wip 2000 pound GW kit. It had THE SAME useful load as the Top Cub, but at 300 pounds lighter, would outperform the TC on 20 less hp any day. Less weight means less landing loads in the backcountry as well, and likely longer lifespan of the fuselage.
Again, the Top Cub is a VERY NICE new airplane. It is not, however, really in a league with a well rebuilt, modified Super Cub. Of course, a BRAND NEW REBUILT SC is going to cost you well over a $100 K as well....
As to the Rans: There is a fellow in Fairbanks with an S-7 who uses it for a lot of back country flying. He's had it for several years, and runs it on skis in winter, Goodyear 26 in tires in summer. I was always impressed with that little airplane and its performance.
I think the new Rotax engines are a far cry from a "Ski Doo" engine, though that is indeed their genesis. I've flown a few of them, and they do quite well.
I sure wouldn't overlook a RANS S-7 if one is looking at LSA, and want to consider Experimental. The primary down side I see is useful load, but that's true of any airplane in this range.