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Tailwheel spring - where should the slot be?

Gordon Misch

Toledo, Wa (KTDO)
I'm using three leaves of a Pawnee tailwheel spring with a Scott 3200 tailwheel. Where do I put the slot? Top, bottom? Forward, aft?

At the tailwheel. Round holes where the spring bolts to the fuselage. The springs flex at the tailwheel not at the fuselage. Also use a grade 8 washer under the bolt between the spring and tailwheel.
Steve Pierce said:
At the tailwheel. Round holes where the spring bolts to the fuselage. The springs flex at the tailwheel not at the fuselage. Also use a grade 8 washer under the bolt between the spring and tailwheel.

Round holes are at the fuselage end, the flex is in the aft end thus the slot in the top spring at the tailwheel.

Tailwheel end.

Fuselage side is to the left of this picture.
Perfect - even I can understand pictures! Usually.

Now, about the grade 8 washer part - I'm not sure where you're wanting that hard washer.

Also - the tailwheel is drilled 7/16", and the spring set is punched 3/8". Should I bush the tailwheel to 3/8, or open up the holes in the spring leaves, or just put in a 3/8 bolt as-is or ??

Thanks again -
Scott & AK Bushwheel sell the Bushing that goes in the tailwheel head, it is aluminum and they usually are a little long and need some trimming. ABout $8
3/8" bolt to fuselage and 7/16" bolt at tail wheel. There is a bushing in the tailwheel head but all the ones I have seen are steel.

This is a drawing for the Husky but it is the same diameter hardware for Piper. I use an AN7-21 bolt between the spring and tailwheel.
Not to fork thread too much,

But I see that having drilled bolts and castle nuts...

I usually have used/seen the undrilled bolt and the all steel lock nut for the -6 & -7

Why the drilled ones here?

Or just a leftover from days gone by before nylocks and such? Like so many other cub things.....
Thanks a bunch guys. Now I'll have it right for sure. I really do appreciate the help!

FINALLY finished the surface tapes on the tailfeathers this eve. Man, covering them took longer than I remembered! Tomorrow, start PAINTing em!
Mike, You got me, just always used castellated nuts but have used un-drilled and steel lock nuts in a pinch and never saw a problem.
I see a lot of nylon lock nuts. Just check them now and then. The Super D has a forty dollar MS bolt on the tailwheel, yet just a stop nut. I suspect a castellated nut is more trouble than it is worth at tightening time.