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supercyclone seeking Jerry Marcel please reply to email


Registered User
"I think a Jerry Marcel or something like that from northern Ontario built, finished and sold one not too long ago. He was on Backcountrypilot.org as well as Supercub.org I think. Maybe you can ask there on the forum." I need the blue printt for my super cyclone kit
He is the same as Super Sportsman that answered on your other thread. I thought he was contacting someone for you. Hopefully you can find some plans!!!
What state if disassembly is a Cyclone kit? Do you have to assemble the wings? Fuselage? That would be a daunting task, bucking all those rivets. Do you need jigs?
super cyclone state of assembly

What state if disassembly is a Cyclone kit? Do you have to assemble the wings? Fuselage? That would be a daunting task, bucking all those rivets. Do you need jigs?

The wings are assembled. I need the fusalage print ,the rudder print,& the stabilizer print. Staples can copy these large prints. I ironed the tattered pieces of my water damaged pieces to freezer wrapping paper, then photocopyed them. Stapels store can do large format jobs. I really don't know why Avatech could'nt sell me new copys . I want to thank youall for trying to help me!
A kit built 185 sounds like a great project. Best wishes for a smooth assembly. It sounds like fun but I'm not the guy bucking rivets every waking moment!