There's a great cartoon of a Supercub with a minor prop problem in Baxter Black's cowboy poetry book, "Croutons on a Cow Pie." The accompanying poem has to do with coyote hunting out of Chadron, N'braska. The libretto is having a chunk of prop shot off by the gunner, then evening it up with another shot to get home. If I recall, the cartoon is by his brother Bob, but might be one of the other great cowperson cartoonists like Don Gill, or Ace Reid, or 'Mad Jack'.
Hearing Baxter recite this is way better than just reading it.
Sorry, my personal copy is "badly lent" just now (i.e., I forget to whom), and I wouldn't want to violate any copyright laws anyway. Worth buyin' the book just for that cartoon, especially if you've been around Baxter, Chadron, or coyotes, or all three in my case.
On this erudite website, some of you might even know the names of the suspects, but please don't share, in order to protect the guilty.
Thanks. Cubscout