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Super Cub '95' Weight.

Hello my just restored pa18/95 weights 455 kg (see my message above). The c90/12f is in good condition with 1050 hours to go.
I have a mccauley alu prop with 48”pitch. In standard day say 20 deg C i get 2250rpm at brakes. Flying the sane day 80-85 mph with 2300 rpm.
How does this compare with other pa28/95?

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Previously owned a 1957 model that weighed according to the W&B documents 950 lbs. It was equipped with flaps, counterbalanced tail surfaces, 2 18-gal wing tanks, Atlee Dodge landing gear, 26" Goodyear tires, C-90-12F engine, McCauley propeller, metal interior. It does not have an electrical system.
If you weigh 100 PA 18/ 95 model's you will find 90%of them are over 900lbs.
If you weigh 100 PA 18/ 0320 models. You will find 95% of them are over 1050 lbs.
If they are running 31" tires 98% of them will be over 1100 lbs. Old W/B that have been amended or factory original ones from 1950's should be considered TP.
Factory weighes did not include ANY options............... Options included starter,generator, tailwheel, spinner, nav lites, oil, and that is how 930/60 lb factory
weights come to be.
A good number for reference on 18's with lycomings and 31" tires with elec systems
And 3200 tailwheel is 1150......
So from the actual weighed numbers you see listed here: the bulk of 95 Cubs when actually rolled up on digital certified scales
seams to be north of 900 most of the time?
And 950 looks like a realistic number for alot of them. They are fantastic airplanes with lovely CG's for single person flying!
That's why everyone that ever flys one loves them!

Sent from my moto e5 go using SuperCub.Org mobile app
The only 18-95 I’ve been around is the one I own, and I am at 978lbs with 2 tanks, lightweight battery, B&C starter, PP alt, AD safety cables, 3200 TW, 72” metal prop, remote oil filter, and 6x7.0 tires. Everything else is as it was when it left Lock Haven. I think it would be pretty difficult to weigh in around 950lbs. or less with electric and any mods, but like I said the one I own is the only example I’m familiar with.
Finally got around to weighing my 90 hp cub. Metal prop, hydrosorbs, Scott 3200, 1 tank, full oil and hand held radio. 828 lbs.



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Around 17", aft CG limit is 21. As a comparison the PA11 below that I was flying in high school weighed 848 with dual 18 gal tanks and squared off wings. I had 2000 hours in it before we sold it.


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Sounds like you have been fortunate to fly a couple of lightweight fun airplanes. That never gets old.

Thanks for responding

Finally got around to updating the W&B on my J3 after putting 29's and a bigger tailwheel on. A nice even 750lbs.

I'm not sure how accurate that number is but supposedly she was on scales at 741 in the late 90's when the last w&b was done.
There's no horse so dead that it can't stand another lick or two.

And besides, this is so interesting that I am really glad someone gave the horse another jab with the spurs! I would have missed all this otherwise! This is helping me develop a healthy mindset for care/use of my PA-11.
So gonna try another resurrection! Dont wanna start a new thread if i cant get answers here.

I'm looking at buying 95 Super Cub for a restoration. As it will be torn down and built back up I wanna go semi overboard on keeping it light. Mission for it would be giving rides and one person and gear for camping in vfr day conditions. On to smoothish terrain over 400' If I could be competitive in a stol comp all the better but not required. So my question is with the following ideas do you think a sub 800 possibly 750 pound empty weight is possible.

Weight Savings:
No Electric - No starter - No generator - No lights - No Radio (will have a handheld)
Carbon Floorboards
13 rib wings
1 18 gallon Tank
Oratex Fabric for outer covering and interior (no extended baggage)
Airframes Alaska Lightweight Struts
Standard original 4 instrument dash
If legal, thinner glass or plexi
No flaps
Carbon fiber ground adjustable prop
Magnesium wheels
Other small tricks here and there.

Weight adding:
X brace, H Brace, Float Fittings
3" Extended Gear
29" Airstreaks
Safety Cables
Safety Harnesses

With the Above what do you think it might weigh empty?

Is there anything else i could do to lighten? Anything you would recommend adding either for safety or something ill truly regret not having?

Thanks everyone!
I love spending other peoples money 1 1/4 brakes are lighter than 1 1/2 2 1/2 lbs per set wheel/brake. Titanium gear. ACME shocks, Titanium tail spring. .060 plexiglass works if you shim the channel, No flaps is going to hurt STOL performance.
I love spending other peoples money 1 1/4 brakes are lighter than 1 1/2 2 1/2 lbs per set wheel/brake. Titanium gear. ACME shocks, Titanium tail spring. .060 plexiglass works if you shim the channel, No flaps is going to hurt STOL performance.
I like the way that guy was thinking Denny. Wonder if he got any farther? I bet you could get that thing built under 1250lbs😉