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Steve, I don't think anybody'd forget if they were here


Castle Well Airpark SE of Wickenburg AZ
steve said:
OOOPS! I forgot all about the fact
Little hard to forget about the SuperBowl TFR here at our house. We've had 24hour surveillance for a while now. The sheriff's car is about 300 yards back of the house right now. We had our first visit from TSA about 6 months ago. There are police all over and we are a hour (by car) from the stadium.
Well Gerald if you didn't wear that berka and those heavy shoes with the fuse sticking out, you probably wouldn't have that problem. :lol:
Don't know if you all are aware, but your United States Air Force is on scene there in Arizona. They were supposed to make their presence known by a couple of low passes over the city today and fly some ops near the border as a show of force. They're supposed to fly a high altitude racetrack over the game just in case. In case of what, I don't know, because if something happened they would be late to need regardless. Our guys are not flying Super Cubs, BTW. I tell you this not because I think it's cool, but because I am sad beyond belief that we have come to this.