SE Mass MA6
Comments in red all indicate that the CG may be too far forward in relation to the step. Indicating that ballast is required.... I do remember that I am nearly out of trim when on floats and in straight and level flight. I would say that number is right at 90% of nose up trim. This may help in some of the diagnosis.
Another thing to consider, and keep in mind my experience is limited to the J3, is the fact that the time to get up on step seems very reasonable to me. The time on plane, between step and airborne, seems excessive to me. Recall, I have to lift a float to get airborne when at GW.
To my way of thinking, the bigger the fish mouth, the more the plane would tend to pitch down once airborne, and therefore the more nose up trim required. Maybe my thinking is backwards here, so let me know.
If my thinking is correct then shifting the CG aft, with ballast at the tail as Pete suggested, is the first change I am planning to start out with. Will keep the saw in storage for now.
What are your official empty weight and CG numbers when on floats? I would like to do some math.
As Gary asks, are you flying in the back seat solo?