This is the fourth pair of wings I've recovered but the first set that needs ribstistched. All the Aeronca wings used #4 screws and these wings are original PA 12 so they get stitched. So I studied the Ceconite manual. I watched a bunch of youtube videos. I can do this, yeah, right. I'm sure I've got the knot down OK. The modified seine knot--flat cord--hidden knots. Actually my stitches LOOK very nice and snug. BUT---when I push the knot under the fabric, it puts ever so little slack in the anchor line from the previous knot. Then when I've finished a whole rib and everything looks so nice, I just have to slip a curved needle under any stitch and give it a little tug to test my work, and it SLIPS!! Not much. Only about a 1/16 or 1/8 of an inch. Just enough to worry me about the cord chafing on the rib over the years. The stitches slip just that little bit and it doesn't seem right to me. I was expecting a knot that wouldn't slip at all even if the cord stretched. The guys here I ask tell me they think my knots are OK but they have never tested a completed stitch by tugging on it. The comment was,"if you tied the knot right, why the H%** are you checking it?" The video I followed is the PolyFiber video with the blonde girl. Maybe I'm not pulling the stitch hard enough? Any clues why my stitches slip just a little bit? Or am I expecting too much from the cord and knot? jrh