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Rear Stick Riddle...and head scratchin.....and cabin fever?


Registered User
Belvidere, IL
OK friends.......this all came up in the process of finding a rear stick for my newly rebuilt cub .......they say some didn't have one.......prior to looking for a new stick.....I'd rob the one out of ol' 74P.........until I sold it......that one fit fine in the new airplane--79D. Anyway, I had mentioned my search for a rear stick to our buddy Kase, and next thing I know, a brand spankin new one (from Dakota I think) shows up in the mail.........complete with the knob........brand new.. :) The first thing I do is try to slide it on the rear stick stubb......and it's too small by .020.
I then called Univair and told the fellow I needed a rear stick for a 58' Super Cub, and would he get one and measure it for me. (I think they get around $100 for one) He did, and it measured the same as the one Alan sent me. Well, that stick wasn't going to do me any good....... the I.D. was .020 to small to go over my stubb. I asked if he had anyone return one because it didn't fit?....."not that I know of"
Next, I get the Aircraft Spruce catalog out....Page 61...."4130 structural tubing" I look up 1 1/8" O.D., .035 wall, it's 1.055 I.D........the same as the stick from Kase and Univair..... :o
Here are some stubb and stick measurements, plus or minus .003:

1- My rear stick stubb is 1.070 O.D.
2- My front stick measures 1.080 I.D. and 1.150 O.D.

3- Alan's and Univair's stick measured 1.055 I.D.... 1.125 O.D.
4- Aircraft Spruce 1 1/8" tube in the catalog is 1.055 I.D., 1.125 O.D.

The explanation has to be simple.....what am I missing?...straight jacket? What are everyone's sticks and stubbs measuring? Seems like if I bored out Alan's stick to 1.080, I'd end up with .022 wall tube...too thin.
Also, could someone tell me how long a stock front stick should be?

Thanks in advance for any help, Wilbur :drinking: :drinking:

That fine feller who bought 74P has the whole inside gutted now and probably won't need that rear stick anymore... Looks like a real alaskan bush plane, or like Pat's Kansas City J3. The extended baggage goes all the way to the tailwheel.

But, it might not fit it sounds like!

All this talk about your stick and your knob makes me wonder if I should have even posted on this thread :roll:

Where is Cubchick when you need her to make sense of things like this...?

Considering the weather we've had for the last 3 weeks, Doug couldn't have picked a better time to tear it down. I'm really ready to jump the fence :drinking: If we hadn't lost the snow, I'd be headin' north :bang

This stick thing wouldn't be driving me nuts if the one out of 74P hadn't fit so well :roll:


Why am I not surprised somebody picked that up :lol:

If you have any fittings for a vacuum pump, Dcloud will drive up there and pick them up in trade for the stick. He has been driving all over Kansas looking for some.

steve said:

If you have any fittings for a vacuum pump, Dcloud will drive up there and pick them up in trade for the stick. He has been driving all over Kansas looking for some.


That's quite ways to drive, I could just send him a couple in trade for the stick for Wilbur.
I get my Caliper out and measure a few tomorrow Wilbur (when I get back from coyote hunting :D
Well, they say misery loves company......wish I had what he needed. Other than that, I hope he's having fun fixing it up.

my rear stick goes inside the rear stubb. yours goes over? when i get outta here you'll have to throw them skis in back & come up to take care of that cabin fever. think i've got just the right medacine!!! :drinking:
Hey Dave! You must have a laptop in your room! If you do, you've got something to fill your time searching for the neat stuff. Yep, mine goes on the outside.....I guess I could swich to a 1" O.D. stick, if there's not much slop. I'm ready to come up and leave tracks as soon as you're able. Hope you're feeling Okay.
Yep, laptop in my room. Never thought I could get one of these things up & working !!! Doin' ok. Just waiting on surgery. Few days recovery, then I'll be airborn. Will let ya know as soon as I get out. Looking forward to it!!! :lol:
For years I've used an old piece of a broken [wooden] broom handle for the rear stick, it fits nicely into the seat-back pouch when not in use. Plus it doubles as a fuel stick w/ the appropriate marks on one end. Becuase its' pretty well saturated with fuel, I always thought it would also work good for fire starting material in a pinch.

Good Flying..>Byron
As a matter of fact, just the other day I contacted Stoddard's for a Super Cub front stick. Their response was that the front and rear sticks are different. I always thought the front and rear sticks were the same though I can't say I've ever switched them. Not sure what the difference is, though.

Might be worth contacting Stoddards.

Thanks Mike,
I noticed the part numbers for the two sticks are different, and of course my parts book is at the hanger, but I think the two stick stubs are of the same diameter. I'm really curious as to what other people's sticks measure in diameter. I'm going to make something work, even if I have to turn an adapter on a lathe and weld it to the stick I got from Alan. I'm just going nuts thinking that Alan's and Univair's sticks won't fit :crazyeyes:
Hey David, both sticks in 74P (my old cub) were bent back , even though they may have been of different lengths, and in a different spot, and my rear stick used to always hit the front seat back when the pocket was full of junk. The rear stick Alan sent me was also bent back a bit. ?
Just got done measuring my stick in the test lab and
it is 1.375 +.50/-0 in diameter.
Maybe just put a cover over the rear stubb & dont give it another thought. Whats your reasoning for having the rear stick in there??
david jaranson said:
Maybe just put a cover over the rear stubb & dont give it another thought. Whats your reasoning for having the rear stick in there??

David, when he gives himself a BFR, he has to fly from the back seat.. 8)

Good point David..... I guess cuz it's there. The stick cover is finally going on this weekend. And Steve, someday I plan on getting a real one of those :o
I think it's a question one Pilot asks another Pilot.....

BFR..... Been Flying Recently.


Hey Wilbur, I think that stick I sent you was a homemade one. Could of been a Univiar also. I needed a stub when we rebuilt our 54 cub and it was cheaper to buy the stick assembly than just buying the stub. Dont remember if we used that stick or the old one. We also fabricated one. Measured a stick stub today and it was .066. Stick was .068. Looks like its flared a little like they do at a muffler shop. Wall thickness appears to be .028. May be able to ream it to fit.
I used 2 Univair sticks in our latest PA18. They measure 1.150" O.D. and 1.080" I.D. Both sticks are bent back like an original PA18. The only difference between the rear and front is the length.
Our stub measures same as yours.
I don't know who measured at Univair.......
Univair p/n U13731-003 rear stick
p/n U13731-002 front stick

Thanks John,
Alan just emailed me and thought the same thing. Nothing against Univair, but the damn fool that took my call probably didn't really get one and measure it.....just took something out of the book. Sure had me scratchin' my head.....
Thanks guys for taking the time to measure them.

PS: Does anyone have the proper length for the front stick? Mine had something like an old fighter grip on it with a trigger and thumb button on it. I pulled it off to get back close to stock and the stick looks short.

Thanks in advance, Wilbur
If you take a look in the photo gallery, username BES (I haven't tried out the instruction on how to post photos in a post yet) you will find drawings of the stick, stick assy, and stub assy.

Thanks Bent! Awsome! Those measurements sure support what we're coming up with. Now I just need to get the length of an -18 stick.
Thanks, Wilbur
Length of front stick is 13 9/16". Rear stick is 14 1/4"
The Northland drawings DO NOT contain the correct drawings for the sticks used in 135-150 hp Supercubs.

Thanks John! Same as a J-3 I guess. I'll know what I've got to do tomorrow after I get to the hanger. Sure appreciate the help. I can't imagine how I'd have figured this out without this great site.