I don't have it at hand, but after watching the video, it looks like the cheapo SWR meter I bought at Radio Shack years ago may work with this one. I think it had a rotary switch to change scales. Will it work, and what is the wattage of a Garmin 420? I think I may have to get a different patch cord, seems like CB stuff has a big screw on ring type connector instead of a B&C. My ignorance made me think that there would be a special "aircraft" version. The most significant RF experience I have was with a CB radio for a serious off road machine about 9 years ago, so things are a little muddy in my mind. I took the time to learn as much as possible about that installation, at that time, because I thought there was a possibility that my life may depend on it's ability to get a signal out where cell phones wouldn't. Great success with it, not necessarily because of my knowledge base on RF theory, but learned a little and followed guidelines from books or internet.
If anyone has time, I've placed some questions and ramblings below. Please answer or correct me if I've got something stuck in my head wrong. It may be a day or two before I can get back over there.
I think I remember reading that you wanted the shortest possible cable running to the antenna, if there was excess, Do Not Coil it.
On the antenna I used, the tip was adjustable (in and Out) to minimize SWR, just get the lowest possible if memory serves???
My antenna had a ground wire, and it was emphasized to ensure a great chassis ground connection for the antenna, or the ground plane would go from great to minimized, I don't recall seeing a ground on this antenna, which is mounted on a fuel tank cover. I saw nothing on the tank cover that made me think that it was supposed to be well grounded to the airframe. i.e. no wire or strap connection, no mounting screw holes with the paint purposely removed to insure a good ground etc. In fact, with the antenna base being plastic, it seems as though they took measures to insulate it from ground.
The pictures I recall seeing regarding ground plane shows the floor of the vehicle as being a really high quality reflector (???) of the RF energy. On our birdcage, or space frame constructed airframes how do they have a good ground plane?
Since the comm antenna looks sealed, how would I go about adjusting SWR for best reading, pull the cap, trim a little at a time until it bottoms out and just starts to rise agian? (no screwing the tip in and out for adjustment, I don't think)
Is going from a RG58 cable to an RG400 a good, bad or indifferent thing, and do the numbers correspond to an impedance? If so, what is the importance of this impedance, cable length is about 6-7 feet.
Theres not much excess, but what there is would be in the fuel tank bay near the antenna, is this ok? I know it was mentioned to use aluminum tape to secure under the boot cowl, this makes me think that excess should be placed there rather than near the antenna, right, wrong, indifferent?
Apologies for this post not being very well laid out, I've cut and added here and there because the more I think about it, the more information creeps back into my head.
Thanks again for your help.