To add confusion to this thread, a friend pointed out to me that the PA-11 is approved, with the C-90 engine, with a Sensenich M76AK-2 propeller, at a length of 74 inches. Here's the pertinent sections, the first being from the engine listings for the PA-11:
Engines and Engine Accessories - Fuel and Oil System (cont.)
311. D. (5) C-90-8F (with propeller Item 5, 6, 7, 9, or 101) Use
And, this is the Item 9 propeller:
9. Propeller - Sensenich fixed pitch metal model M76AK-2. +24 lb. (-53)
Eligible with Items 311D(5) and 311C(9) engines only.
Static r.p.m. at maximum permissible throttle setting:
No additional tolerance permitted.
Item 311D(5): Not over 2425, not under 1950.
Item 311C(9): Not over 2550, not under 1950.
Diameter: Not over 74 inches, not under 72.5 inches.
So, we're trying to figure out why a Sensenich prop would be approved in the -11 with a C-90, but not on the J-3 with same engine. As a side note, the PA-18-95 type certificate, also approves the Sensenich prop at 74 inches.
Structurally, the primary difference between the J-3 and PA-11 is the position of the main fuel tank.
So, would it be possible to get a field approval for the Sensenich prop at 74 inches on a J-3, based on the approval of that prop on the -11 and -18-95?