Update on the 7 GCBC project
Thank's Gary
Yep, that's all part of the plan + a suspension type landing gears, floats and maybe an O-360.
Hi guys
Retirement did come on, however, i'm still flying helicopters commercially once in a while.
The project is starting, i've bought a small milling and a lathe, i've put my hands on a set of amphib floats, they were built by Claude Guilbault, a former
CL 215 and 415 fire bomber for the Quebec Government, Claude also was an active aircrafts builder, unfortunely, he died many years ago, the floats are not completed, i will need to come up with a gears system for it, all the attachments, spreaders bars, ect.
I've also put my hand on a new set of super cub wings spars, designed and produced by C.Guilbault, the spar web is 0.090 thick as compare to 0.080 for
the S Cub, the spar cap is also much beefier than the standard S Cub, there are supposed to be good for 3500 lbs but i will limit myself to 2500 lbs on my projected wings, i've scratched my head a lot on how to improve the 4412 Citabria wing for at least be able to do what a Super Cub can do and i finaly made up my mind on building a Bearhawk Patrol wing, i've bought a set of Patrol plans before Christmas and made my master rib a few weeks ago.
So, this where i am for now, it will be a Citabria fuselage with a few mods with a , i 36 fts Bearhawk Patrol wings, i hope to be able to be in the Bigs Boys SC Club with the final project.
Stay in touch, i will keep you updated with the developments.