Steve Pierce
Graham, TX
I guess I can open my mouth now. Two engineers working for the Vintage division of EAA came to my hangar and we went over this rudder issue. I showed them my fix and they were skeptical as was the FAA engineer I suggested it to. However when I handed them a 7/8"x .035" wall tube and a 3/4"x .035" wall tube they were pleasantly surprised at how tight they fit together. Last conversation I had with them was the possibility of doing some flight tests on my Super Cub and another one I maintain on floats with some instrumentation to see what the forces actually are. Also discussed a simple fixture and pull test with a fish scale or torque wrench as a pre-flight measure. Sharp guys and a lot of experience in aircraft structures. I talked to Steve Caruthers from the Short Wing Piper Club last Sunday as well and it sounds like the FAA has a full plate from engineers, a lawyer and lots of us maintainers and pilots.