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performance comparison 150 / 160 / 180 hp

Cruise fuel consumption is dependant on horsepower USED, not horsepower available.

With all the engine/prop combinations out there, and differences in these "Precision" carburetors, it's really difficult to predict precisely the fuel consumption between engines.

Theoretically, at least, an O-360 and an O-320 running at the same BHP setting (not same percent power) SHOULD burn the same amount of fuel. The problem is that there are so man variables with props and carburetor setups that it's hard to calculate percent power for some of these setups.

My experience has been that O-360's generally burn a little more fuel in cruise, but that may well be due to the nut between the headsets USING more of that power available.

My Smith...

With my Smith Kit Cub, I flight plan for 10gph, and usually don't miss it far. I am using the Sensenich wood 80x48 prop, and typically see 105-115 mph at a cruise rpm of around 2450. Maybe I'm overpropped? Sometimes I wish I had a manifold pressure gauge so that I could see how much load in on the XP-360 engine.
