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Panel Rats


Staff member
Northwest Arkansas
Finally getting the CGR-30P installed... It's and 8:1 conversion from a lot of individual EI gauges/monitors. Going to be some for sale soon...



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So what's the latest on making the panel cuts? I have been using Dremel cutoff wheels, but there has to be a better way?
Hey Bob, I’m going to be really busy filling holes, not making any new ones! :)

Why you haven’t removed the panel to work in there is odd. :)

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So what's the latest on making the panel cuts? I have been using Dremel cutoff wheels, but there has to be a better way?

ATS sells a panel punch set for around $160 dollars that cuts the correct size of panel hole in a couple of minutes without any filing.
Is this better?



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I have the punch. This weekend I will be cutting a 1" x 6 1/4" rectangle out of what may be an eighth inch plate panel. Guess it will be the Dremel.
It is less than that. I may “mike” it tomorrow. Super Cub tall panel. Radios have to drop down an inch to clear what is left of the boot cowl.
The "new" MFD screens are sure easier to out out than allowing for the Kollsman window notch of a steam gauge ASI, after using a punch or hole saw for the round part. I've done five, each took about an hour, (at least) with a small rat tail file towards the end. But, the perfect fit finally attained was real rewarding every time I looked at it when flying. But give me a square or rectangular hole to cut out any time, easy/peasy.
More than just the gyro's have tumbled...



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