Steve, I installed an autopilot on your recommendation after flying with you whenever that was (a year ago? two years ago?). The GFC500 was the only digital autopilot that was certified to fly approaches in the Skywagon. Not what you asked, but relevant.
Regarding ADI/HSI, I needed something that would drive the GFC500, which eliminated the AV-30 (these names — sheesh.). I opted for dual G5s instead of GI-275s for a few reasons:
1) The GFC500 was co-developed with the G5. The manual is even the same. It seemed like they should talk to each other well.
2) G5s are cheaper.
3) GI-275s do have a sharp display, but once you start crowding all of the data on there, it’s too cluttered to get information from quickly. People point out that you can declutter them, but by the time I got it where I wanted it, it was just a G5 display with somewhat smaller numbers and a round screen.
4) If you want to use the SynVis you bought, you have to get another subscription from Garmin. That’s just one more thing to buy, one more card to lose, and one more thing to worry about.
5) My panel already had several raised rectangles, including the JPI730 and everything in the stack. Aesthetically, two more raised rectangles fit better than flush, digital circles.
6) In HSI mode, the G5 displays the complete circle of the DG. The 275 doesn’t show the bottom. It seems like a small thing, but I use it every time I fly: “Podunk traffic, Skywagon one Charlie tango, 5 uh [*looks at bottom of HSI*] southeast. . . .”
No matter what, getting rid of the vacuum system is about the best tech upgrade I’ve made since I quit using a typewriter. And you were right about the autopilot. Thanks for that!