The P235 is 3 to 4 lbs lighter then the A200 "Club" prop. It has thinner blades so it flexes and workes like a Borer prop. Guys I know that have tested back and forth between the two, all say the P235 is the way to go. I've heard even the Richmonds agree on this. Crash
What I have gleaned about the P235 is that it is 'about" the same as the 200 for takeoff and climb, but cruises faster, weights 3-4# less and is smoother running.
I was in Heber Utah last month talking to a Pawnee glider pilot and he said the P235 isnt worth s ____ on a Pawnee. Ive heard that before but I dont know if its true.
I heard that years ago too. that's what Piper made them for and they didn't work out. course that is a "235 HP" Pawnee. big difference between 235 and 180.
I suspect Doug Keller from the Portland area would have quite a bit of info on these props. Those guys are running this style of prop up to 90 inches. In fact he posted that he was selling one of these props so he could get one of the 90 in props for his experimental. I think he is ksecub on the site here.
I was at the IA meeting when they announced the fact that nobody in the FAA had considered that a complete test had never been done on the Pawnee prop. The general idea was that all a 540 was a 360 with two more cylinders. I don't know of any test that has been done either to pass or fail. I don't know of any prop that has failed. I haven't heard of any 337 being recinded either. It was not addressed at the last IA meeting. Someone will enentually get an stc for it and you will pay dearly for it. The 84 inch prop really wakes the 18 up on floats. I know of one person who put a borer prop on an 0360 by milling the counterbores out. It still didn't perform like the Pawnee prop.