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PA-12 Weight in Tail Any Documentation?

Whether you add tail downforce with mass of steel or catching more molecules of passing air, the effective wing loading as you approach stall is the same.
This is true however, the tail authority is greater and the drag component is less with the ballast.
Thanks for jumping in. I know you are good at documenting what is really happening so appreciate your input. So with your 0360 you did not have enough tail pressure even at full nose up trim and power?
My power off stall speed is about 4 mph faster then power on as expected. I do both at full nose up trim.
I land power on with full nose up trim so for me the more drag the better. Empty, full flaps, at 1600-1800 rpm, my stick pressure will go from pushing forward to neutral as I flare. This will bring my tail lower then the mains and slow me down to +/_ 37 GPS speed in ground effect If I start pulling back it much at all it will stall. As a matter of fact a friend just did it a few weeks ago when he was trying out my ASOS gear. He flys a Dakota slotted wing and was surprised how fast mine dropped. I was in the back and knew we where at the edge but also a foot off the ground so it was a non issue.
It is hard to make the ideal exchange smooth over the internet so I appreciate everyone putting up with my questions. I have the OK from management to build a new cub, if I can get some issues sorted out I would start next year about this time. I just want to cover as many bases as I can before I start to build. I would like a 180 hp so if adding lead to the tail is needed I have no problems doing it. I am not good enough to tell 20 lbs difference anyway. It would also help with hard braking.
I really like the ideal of less drag at higher speed. I know we have cubs but I do some long trips and even a few extra MPH would help. I changed out engine mount bushings and it was like having a Thrustline mod. I changed engine angle about 3 degrees and gained 4 mph in cruse.