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PA-12 Pitch Forces

Cable pylons are longer on a -12 to account for greater aileron deflection. Put an -18 tube in there and you won't have full aileron control. Not with -12 wings, anyway. I tried that. Learned the hard way. I don't know what guys do when putting -18 wings on a -12.

There are two different torque tube dash numbers, early and late. The pivot point on the torque tube which moves the elevator is different, I believe by 5/8" (from memory). This results in the fore/aft movement of the stick being different as well as the clearance in respect to hitting the seats. The J-5 and PA-12 torque tubes add a link to the bottom to give more throw for the ailerons. I don't have my Piper stuff with me right now or I would give Gary a better idea what to measure, visually. Maybe Tuesday. The picture below is my J-5, you can see the link on the aileron horn on the torque tube.

I don't think that CG has anything to do with your issue since it is a stabilator instead of a trim tab. My assumption.

One other issue that it may be is the jackscrew yoke is upside down which would result in Gary running out of trim and then having to manhandle the pitch. The yoke is supposed to be pointing down in a PA-12. Plenty of information here: https://www.google.com/webhp?source...-8#q=site:supercub.org+jackscrew+yoke+upside+


  • PC060012-1.webp
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Ok, I found the icon for adding pics. Here are 3 of my PA-12. I plan to add VGs and change the tires from 8.50 to 29"



  • PA12:3.webp
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  • PA12:2.webp
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  • PA-12:1.webp
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