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PA-12 Parking Brake Handle


Registered User
I am rebuilding a PA-12 that was disassembled in 1965, so I have some parts, but probably not all parts. The pawl item 40 figure 6 does not engage the ratchet item 47. Is there supposed to be a spring that pulls the pawl down? Are shims needed to center the pawl over the ratchet?
Univair has the PA-12 parts manual on line, kinda tough to read though. Does not appear to be a spring. A PA-18 parking brake valve would be an easy add on I would think.
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I remember a latch under your thumb when engaging/disengaging the brakes. Does that pull the ratchet down to lock the brakes? Been a long time, Jim
My PA-12 brake handle does not have a spring. You pull the handle to engage the brake as it slides over the ratchet. To disengage, you press the thumb lever while pulling slightly to get it loose from the ratchet & keep pressing the thumb lever until all the ratchet teeth are cleared. The pull of the brake cable sort of acts like a spring to keep the brake hanle engaged on the ratchet and pulls on the handle to release the brake when the thumb lever is pressed.

The first photo is with the parking brake engaged.
The second photo is with the parking brake disengaged.
Let me know if you need more photos. It's a tight spot to get a good view.

If posting these photos worked, that means I successfully graduated from SJ's remedial photo posting class.



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Hand proped my cub with park brake valve set. Got in and pushed lever down to disengage, brakes released as normal. Taxied to end of strip running up as I went. Took off normally. Came back after a short flight to land. Landing normal. My strip is 700 ft with a 15 foot dip in middle. Applied brakes firmly after touch down, gear unloaded going into dip. When wieght came back on the gear, both wheels sliding not rolling. Slid to stop at bottom of dip except the last foot on my back. Could not turn either wheel. Parking brake valve not all down. FAA bought the evil spirit story.
You can release the valve type PA-18 parking brake by applying the brakes, but I always reach down and make certain it is completely unlocked with my hands - even if it tends to be a bit "oily" there. Same in Husky. I've noticed that they don't necessarily unlock completely. Best to double check. The old PA-12 hand brake was simple and usually worked but requires adjustment and fiddling, I'd say the in-line valve PA-18 style is better.
There's a leaf spring inside the release handle held on by two rivets. The pivots have to be a bit loose so the spring causes the pawl to engage.


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Is there a source for these handle assemblies for the PA-12? mine is missing, and i really would like to have one. I have not found one anywhere yet....


I get rid of that system and put in a dual matco parking break valve.

Also so I got tons of pictures in my picasa link below of a pa -12 before disassembly if you need clues.

Dang 1965! Just finished one that was disassembled in 1968, the year I was born! Had a jack screw yoke with the $12 piper hand written price tag hanging on it still($235 now from Univair)
Thanks for the info and pictures. I'll be back at the hangar this afternoon to see if I can get mine working.:-)
My PA-12 brake handle does not have a spring. You pull the handle to engage the brake as it slides over the ratchet. To disengage, you press the thumb lever while pulling slightly to get it loose from the ratchet & keep pressing the thumb lever until all the ratchet teeth are cleared. The pull of the brake cable sort of acts like a spring to keep the brake hanle engaged on the ratchet and pulls on the handle to release the brake when the thumb lever is pressed.

The first photo is with the parking brake engaged.
The second photo is with the parking brake disengaged.
Let me know if you need more photos. It's a tight spot to get a good view.

If posting these photos worked, that means I successfully graduated from SJ's remedial photo posting class.

View attachment 25943View attachment 25944

Thank you for this post Windy!! I'm just installing a keyed Continental ignition switch in my PA-12 and I woke up 2 days ago worrying the park brake might foul on it, as the keyed switch is slightly deeper. From looking at these pics I'm pretty sure I'm ok :)
Curious if you're installing a key switch with a start position or sticking with a start button.
IMHO the separate button is better.
Curious if you're installing a key switch with a start position or sticking with a start button.
IMHO the separate button is better.

We're in agreement hotrod180 and I'm staying with the separate start button :) This is obviously the ignition switch in its cardboard template plate



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Just dealing with this now... seems the pawl is missing enough material to keep it from engaging the ratchet... I'll be adding some weld to its mating surface and grinding it flat to see if it'll engage the ratchet arc. The part was disassembled and cerakoted, then re assembled. 1000020237.webp
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