Northwestern Minnesota
Recent annual exposed an old problem of the landing gear snubbers breaking down and hammering dents in the 1+1/4" horizontal tube that runs laterally under the bungee truss. Installed 18 extended gear a few years ago and missed the tubing damage until recently. As the tubing is cracked and requiring repair, I am looking at options. We are going to be welding in a covered aircraft and I am hoping to make the welding operation simple as I can. Obviously we will have to remove floorboards which I would love to completely replace but that appears to be near impossible without totally dismantling the boot cowl. We will section the floor boards similar to what was done with installing the 18 gear. It appears the bungee truss serves no purpose now other than supporting the original front seat, and only gets in the way of welding and properly patching the damaged tubing. Looking at the STC's for this repair and changing the front seat Ron Sullivan's SA577AL comes up, but I am having difficulty locating a current contact number to acquire this STC but so far no luck. If anybody has this information I would greatly appreciate receiving it. Also if anyone has any other ideas or STC's for addressing this truss removal and seat options I would be interested. I have explored the sliding seat options a little bit and it would be a nice feature, but I am hoping to minimize any welding that will be done inside this aircraft and keep this repair simple as possible.