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PA-12/O-320 w/front mount oil cooler alternator?


Hello, everyone.

I’d like to put an alternator on my O-320, which has a front mounted oil cooler (a Niagara unit, bracket’s same as the old boat anchor model). I’m having a lot of trouble finding an alternator that will fit with a front moubt oil cooler. It has to be stc/pma’ed for my type as a/c is Canadian (no field approvals allowed).

I know B&C has a solution that’s been ‘almost’ approved for the 12 for over 2 years. Plane Power’s techies honestly dont know if theirs will fit.. Are there any PA-12 owners with an O-320 & front mount oil cooler that have already solved this problem?

any advice would be appreciated.
Yes a Plane Power, light weight 70 amp alternator will fit on your 12 with a front mounted oil cooler. I put one on my last build. I can't remember exactly how much I has to modify the oil cooler bracket for the alternator because I put a skytec light weight starter on at the same time and I know it took some modification for the starter. The only issue I can remember with the alternator is that it took me a couple of tries to get the right length belt, luckily the Northern Aviation Parts Asso. is just a few blocks from the airport.
I have the Plane Power alternator and Skytec starter with front mount cooler. I had to build a custom mounting arrangement for the oil cooler, but it worked. I'll try to get a picture today.
IMG_20180322_190645.jpgHere are some pics. (the white powder is residue from my oil leak quest).


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