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PA-11 restoration


Registered User
Sutton, Alaska
Hello Rebuilders,

I have a 1947 PA-11 that I want to start restoration on. Over the years it has had a J3 tail section spliced in and it now has a broken tube and some corrosion around the tailpost and tubes at the tail end of the fuselage. I want to install a replacement tail section like you can get at Univair but had a few questions. Do you need an airframe jig to do this? I am also wondering if a guy can take a PA-18 tail section and weld that in?

Can't think of any reason an 18 section wouldn't work. but I'd highly recommend some type of jig.
You might want to head over to Kirk Ellis's place, or Mark Bills, Or Airframes (seeing you live close) and have a face to face with those guys and get prices for the work. You might even learn where to find a jig.

Glad to see you are restoring an 11. Great planes.
I have seen back ends successfully welded in without a jig. Just measure carefully and do the rosettes first. I would put the lighter J-3 stuff in there. If you want a Super Cub, you should get one - they are lots heavier.

But as above, if there is a jig within a hundred miles, that is way better. Guaranteed straight when it cools down.
I did a J3 a few years ago. The fuselage was visibly crooked, so I built 2 8' long tables, bolted them together in the middle, screwed them to the floor, leveled them, then set square tubing across that picked up the gear fittings and bolted it to the table frames, pinned the gear fittings, then went to the tail post and stood up a piece of tubing of the appropriate size, braced top and bottom as shown. I was careful when welding and took my time, but when it was done, I measured from each tip to the tail post and was only off 1/16". That being said, a steel "sure enough" jig would've been really nice....but what I'm saying is that this can work.

Yah, if I remember correctly, the print said +- 1/4" on fuselage dimensions.:wink: It was WAY off when it came to me....so far off, we spent a full day remeasuring to make sure we were seeing correctly!! He said you could feel the difference when he flew it after the rebuild.