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PA-11 C90 Exhaust


SE Montana
The exhaust on my C90 powered 11 needs either rebuilt, or replaced. I've spoken to AWI, but thought I'd check here for recommendations before i sent it off. Looking for feedback on preferred repair shops or sources for a new exhaust system other than Univair. Any advice would be appreciated.
I used AWI a few years ago on my J-5 with a A-75. I had a Univair stack that failed after very few hours but long calendar time. I’m happy with the AWI muffler rebuild. I’d also suggest sending in your exhaust stacks too.
When I got my muffler back the expansion slots were deep and left a spot where exhaust gas could get by. AWI couldn’t extend the length of the tube coming out of the muffler due to the PMA design but could “repair” my stacks by adding some length the end that goes into the muffler.
I was down a month with the delay due to shipping stuff back and forth. Wouldn’t have been bad if I had just planned on it. It is worth a call to talk to someone there. If I remember they have a jig setup that allows all the parts to be put together - L/R stacks and exhaust and confirm the fit.
I have had no issues to date with it.
I have an AWI exhaust on another airplane with zero issues over 22 years.
You also get a letter from them and the FAA saying the muffler is basically a new part so the repetitive exhaust inspection clock gets reset.
+1 for AWI. They did a complete “repair” for me last winter.

Excellent customer service.

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Thank you for the feedback everybody. Sounds like they do good work, I'll get mine sent off as soon as i can.