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Arizona, Alaska, S. America, Africa, Iraq, Afghani
FYI - O-290-D2 tidbits...

For informational purposes only -

Hastings makes rings of the proper type and dimensions:
Top rings - (Keystone type 372 ) compression ring : P/N 40651 (Chrome); 40653 (Plain) Note: Do not use chrome rings on chromed cylinders.
Oil - 3/16" (multi-element type 860 / 732) Oil ring Rail P/N 26374 (2 ea required); & Spring P/N 02221 (1 each required).
Ends up costing about $60/piston total.

For plugs I'm using NGK AB-6. NGK P/N 2910. Plug Gap - .028” (0.7mm) They screw right in and are of the proper length. (About $2/plug)
NGK AB-7 are an option (they are a bit "colder" than AB-6 if the operational environment warrants them) NGK P/N 3010. Plug Gap - .028” (0.7mm)

Modified my Bendix mags to take Accel 8.5mm Super Conductor spark plug wires. Fairly easy to do, actually. These wires are shielded and I wouldn't use any other type of auto plug wires.
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Do they have a web site. I have a O-290D2 I would like to take the cylinders off and have a look inside. Should the rings be replaced anyway when you take the cylinders off.
At the very least run a glaze breaker hone at the proper cross hatching angle, and new rings. If they checkout dimensionally and otherwise....
Any chance you could give us a measurement of the UNCOMPRESSED ring gaps?

Ref. "Piston Ring differences" in Sick Bay.

http://www.hastingsmfg.com/ Nice people. Still made in U.S.A.
What nanook said.

I don't have the measurement, but I posted a reply over on Sick Bay. All the free gaps should be the same for the same P/Ns rings. Looks like that one was sprung somehow somewhere along the line.
