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o-235 in PA-12 w/ 18 mods


Registered User
Question: Anybody ever go back to the o-235 on a 12 after adding 18 tail, flaps, gear? I like the fuel burn of the 235 and it appears they can be had for much less than an 320. Have a light bare bones 12 with 18 mods and am interested in hearing reports if anyone has gone this direction. Obviously a drastic performance reduction from the o-320, but am thinking that with flaps installed it should do better than stock... mostly interested in take off distances.

I believe the 18 tail requires the larger lycoming in the 12, so the above mentioned scenario would likely involve changing the tail back...

I dont expect anyone here to advocate for a reduction in HP, just wondering if anyone has experience with an o-235 powered 12 with flaps.
I have no experience with what you're asking about but my 2 cents on fuel burn is that its going to take about the same amount of fuel to produce the same cruise speed. I've never seen one with just flaps. Usually the 320/tail mod is the first thing done, almost always in conjunction with flaps. Interesting question about the tail if you remove the 320.
The fuel burn of a 320 will be the same as that of a 235 IF the pilot uses similar power settings in both. A given hp equals a specific fuel burn. Keep the hp the same (ie: pull the power back on that 320) and the fuel flows will be similar.

If it's nice and light (947 lbs like the original weight and balance says they all were) it would probably be OK at low level but I have to think on hot days or higher altitudes it's going to be weak.
I will trade you a O-235-C1 core for your O-320 and I have a bunch of other stuff to throw in like mount and cowling.
If it's nice and light (947 lbs like the original weight and balance says they all were) it would probably be OK at low level but I have to think on hot days or higher altitudes it's going to be weak.
It's amazing that I've added an additional 200 lb + to the original!
I have a cub with an O2 35 and performance is good below say 5000 feet. Runs like a fine watch. 100mph/6 gal. Hr...

J5.5 - Not entirely convinced to step down yet, just lookng for input/pilot reports. Thanks for the offer and will PM you if I get serious.

MTV - Yes, I have been reading the fuel burn threads on this and other sites and understand hp produced = fuel burn, regardless of model. However, a number of folks (including my mechanic) have told me that putting around below 2200 rpm most of the time is poor form and not conducive to a long lasting 320...

Thanks for all the input!
I am running an O-235C1 and I love it. Previously had an O-290 in it but the 0-235C1 costs about $12K less for a major overhaul, and I like the overall all around performance. I get off the ground in about 200 feet with passenger and 36 gallons of fuel.