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Nose down PA-12

Just an observation : Been around 12s for about 40 years, have seen some with fuselage differences at the tail. Hard landings ???? bad repairs ??? who knows. Sighting down the lower longerons I often see there is some differences from the lift handle to the tail post. ( Usually pushed up) Any changes here can affect the horizontal stabilizer angle which will affect trim---am I right ????? I think my 0-320 long mount flys very nice --with flaps and VGs --have not noticed much heaviness in the controls--but do trim nose up a couple turns for landing---do have double groove trim---18 tail--- OR perhaps my right arm is stronger than I realize----HA !:???: geezer Dan

This fuselage was rebuilt in a jig and conforms to the original and STC drawings for the gross weight increase, that much I know. It also has the double groove trim system and -18 tail and I guess long mounts. (From aft side of muffler to firewall is about three inches) No VGs but I'm wondering if that would help.? After reading numerous post here and on other threads related to this I'm wondering about the length of the stick in the front cockpit. This one is straight and is between my legs, not above them. Add a couple of inches and or a bend would make a noticeable difference i think.
The flat of the Vee is the top. The through tube hangers should position the tube below the yoke attach flanges. That allows the through tube to travel fully up and down until it hits structure so it has maximum range. If it's upside down or the hangers are holding the tube up the travel is limited by running out of threads on the jackscrew. At least that's how it was on mine and I installed it both ways to figure that out for myself as there was debate about the position. Personally I'd remove or relax your down elevator springs and see if that helps. I don't recall my -12 having a spring. I have several pictures of configuring my trim and jackscrew/yoke on my work computer. I can send or post pictures later if somebody wants to look at them.
I think... all the -12 have the bungie.. as far as parts book says it's not listed as optional or by serial #...
click for bigger
12 tail.webp

did the plane have the elevator system converted to an -18 style by removing the yoke under rear seat? if so does it have short control column & stubs like -18 or the original long -12 ones?(There is a leverage difference by the distance from bottom up to pivot bolt in control column, original -12 ones are just shy of 5" between centers part #89 #95 in drawing bellow.... the -18 is like one inch shorter so gives you more leverage)

12 front.webp


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    12 tail.webp
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    12 front.webp
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This fuselage was rebuilt in a jig and conforms to the original and STC drawings for the gross weight increase, that much I know. It also has the double groove trim system and -18 tail and I guess long mounts. (From aft side of muffler to firewall is about three inches) No VGs but I'm wondering if that would help.? After reading numerous post here and on other threads related to this I'm wondering about the length of the stick in the front cockpit. This one is straight and is between my legs, not above them. Add a couple of inches and or a bend would make a noticeable difference i think.
The guy that rebuilt and delivered the one I just bought said he thought it could use a longer stick. Mine has vg's, 18 tail with double pulley and supercub elevator control system---not original 12 type.
I've read about the yoke being installed upside down and backward but so far I still don't know what it looks like when installed correctly..
Installed correctly the leading edge of the stabilizer will rest on top of the top longerons when trimmed full nose up (stab leading edge down).