How does 2600 rpm get you much? My understanding was these props at 2400 are supersonic and lose efficiency. Wouldnt an extra 200 rpm just be less efficient?
Havent bought it.
There is way too much black magic in propellors to make any broad stroked comments. That black magic moves exponentially when you include a multitude of airframe / engine combinations to that mix.
First ask anyone who recited the supersonic rhetoric where they learned this and 99.9% of the time the answer is well, just look at so and so's prop size / speed calculator... So and so... you know, the guy who
sells prop STC's... How many prop STC's do you think will get approved when said props are snarling sonic booms? They don't want you making noise and making their lives harder at producing props (income).
Secondly, what are you looking for when you push that go knob forward? I'll be completely transparent, I'm looking for a kick in the @$$ launch, I don't give 2 rips what my fuel meter says (and I actually pay for gas) why would I care if my prop is working less efficient (just like my engine at that moment) but making more over all thrust. Motivation, that's all I care about at that moment, I understand that there are folks that enjoy getting outstanding MPG, but they're paying for that fuel, outstanding prop efficiency? I don't know anyone paying for the air they move.... waste some.
200 RPM harder on what? not on an engine designed to run there. More first time tractor owners kill their tractors because they are afraid to turn it at an RPM spec'd for the task, your not 'babying' anything running at less than rated rpm, your lugging it.
Having said all that, I've ran in to probably as many prop engine combinations that pull harder pulled back on the tach as I have ones that pulled harder spooled up more. How an airplanes pulls harder when it's producing less horsepower? I have no idea :???: Gues that's the black magic part.
Pull tests? Na. I never fly with the tail tied down, those tests give me a baseline, but not much else. Seen too many that pulled less tied down only to grunt a better load than the static king.
Noise charts? Na... too many (but certainly not all) pull better snarling.
My money is on how well it gets me off the ground x the time to climb. If I was looking to race, I would probably have a whole different criteria.
Take care, Rob