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New Titan Purchase option

I had to go back and check as I could not recall if it was in US currency. Definitely not insulted! Glad you brought it to my attention. I requested info on an O-340 build. I got this quote in August of last year;
"Carbureted (vertical sump only) ……..……………... $ 50,785.00 USD"
I had to go back and check as I could not recall if it was in US currency. Definitely not insulted! Glad you brought it to my attention. I requested info on an O-340 build. I got this quote in August of last year;
"Carbureted (vertical sump only) ……..……………... $ 50,785.00 USD"
Well there you go then. Sorry it wasn't something that helped though.... Sure would have been nice if the conversion factor actually helped you.
Boy, you guys sure are good at helping me spend money!! I'm already trying to sell stuff to fund this project, guess I will have to thin the herd a bit more. LOL! Seriously though, I really appreciate all the input.

Now you have got me looking at Airflow Performance and the Precision Silverhawk systems as I also really would like some type of FI integrated into this 'final' airplane project. I was always under the assumption one needed a return line when running FI and now that I have been educated, I will research them more.

Also a public thank you to Chuck (PA-20-22-160) for the advice and help he has called me on. Always great help from the forum.
Call Cubcrafters. I got mine from them - freshly overhauled - for half what it would have cost me otherwise. Outstanding customer service. Incredible knowledge base. Trustworthy.
So you guys are buying 340’s new, and I just heard they aren’t being made anymore? And new cylinders aren’t available? Or am I mistaken?
O340 uses o320 cylinders,
Depending on the compression ratio ,You may have to mill some off the piston to get the compression ratio you want.
New o340 and o370 from titan are still available with lead time. The o320 and o360s are out of production under titan. Lycomings own o340 is a different beast from back in the day, and unsupported just like the tiara continentals and o290s.
New o340 and o370 from titan are still available with lead time. The o320 and o360s are out of production under titan. Lycomings own o340 is a different beast from back in the day, and unsupported just like the tiara continentals and o290s.
The Avstar F.I. system does not require a return line.
That is interesting. I ordered an O-370 direct from Titan in January of 2023 and I’m not expecting it this month or next. I was told 14-18 months.
Well, looks like my earlier expectations were wildly optimistic. I'm now being told August and they didn't sound particularly positive about that. August would put it at 13 months. I'd cancel it but that would just put me at the bottom of some other list and probably at a higher price. This means I might wind up with a down time while I wait. It would probably have been tough to paint here until after that anyway, but darn.

Just to keep the theme alive here -

If you ever need to warranty a defective part (in my case, a leaking intake tube in the sump on a T340), you might be waiting months (to years?) for a replacement. It took over 10 days just to get a response from Conti support, and that was early March. Still waiting and expect to be waiting for quite some time for a replacement sump.
I hope to get it on some scales this summer to get a true number.

It is not light by Lil' Cub standard or even 1950s standards due to the overbuilt gear front and rear (+3 ABI HD legs/cabane, ABI wheels/brakes, Acme's front and rear, custom 6061 tailwheel assembly). It is a Wag fuselage with a few extra tubes and all wood wing which is slightly lighter, but overall it is mostly inline with a normal J3/PA11.

The big reductions come from me removing things most people are unwilling to give up:





Nosebowl above is 9.9 lbs, aluminum cowling was another 12.4 lbs, stub stack exhaust was another 12 lbs savings. The magnesium sump that is about to replace the failed aluminum one is reported to be ~7 lbs lighter, so there goes another 7+lbs right off the nose.

The airplane is more annoying now for daily ops, but it flies 1000% better without all of that weight on the nose. Of course, even without electrics, the airframe with the O340 is still heavier than it was ever intended to be with the A65. Mine was originally built with a O235 so I never knew how good the airplane could actually feel; it just got better and better with every part I took off the nose until I was left with the ugly duckling I have today.
