Explorer, how do you plan to use the Scout? What's your budget? That should help with your decision, and may help direct the free advice on this forum. Fortunate to have some good options on the 8GCBC
Thanks. cubscout
After owning 3 scouts of different years, I would tell you to consider adding a governor, and going constant speed. I had MT of 2 and 3 blades. Liked em all, 3 blade faster, 2 blade climbed better. I dont have any expericed with the newish Hartzell trailblazer, but have been around a few on Huskys and FX carbon cubs. Everybody likes them.
I dont think there are many fixed pitch props on the TCDS other than 8040 Mccauley. I havent looked at the Scout STC list for awhile. I would call Backcountry Aircraft in Idaho, those guys know Scouts and how to make them sing. ACA factory should have answers as well. You really need CS to fully take advantage of the 0360. my opinion
Explorer, This plane is new to you? Is there something wrong with the existing prop which requires it's replacement? Long ago I installed a set of floats on the first 8GCBC in New England. When I flew it for a rigging check prior to installing the floats, I was disappointed in it's take off performance. It was the fixed pitch prop which would not allow the 180 hp engine to operate to it's best performance. The long landing gear and the weight on the tail held back the initial take off run. When it was on floats with the tail up level it would jump out of the water like a scared cat. This with the very large owner in the front seat and me in the back. The later models with the constant speed props were different machines. The take off performance deficiencies of the fixed pitch were gone.Thx Jim,
The Scout is new to me. I don't disagree about the performance of the CS Prop. I'm trying to make a simple machine to start with and grow from there.
Especially if it really grabs me.
Thank you!
The prop on my 74 Scout was a fixed pitch 1A200/HFA8041, I had it balanced and the plane was light with small tanks. I ran at 2350 and burned 8GPH. Very smooth and about 112 MPH on 8.50's. Several trips to AK were quite enjoyable. My current Scout has the MT 2 blade. I am faster but burn more fuel, plane heavier with large tanks and leather, doesn't feel like the older wood winged model. I preferred the old ride in all honesty. It was simple and I didn't have to dink with settings. I found the above prop for $5700 just now online, I think that was not a terrible deal with what the 0320 Borer prop selling for.
Mine was 74-109, it's on Barnstormers now with amphibs. I sold it 5 years ago on wheels.
A different world, planes affordable, farmers and ranchers purchased them. Sorenson made a sprayer for our plane. Attorneys and product liability didn't crush the American business ingenuity and development. People were employed and engaged instead of sucking the Gov't tit and protesting others success because they work hard. Your plane was on the tail end of that great run that started after the end of WWII
Mike, here's the text from the TCDS:
1 . Propeller (Landplane Only)
McCauley 1A200HFA80 (Fixed Pitch)
Static rpm. at maximum permissible throttle settings:
Not over 2350, not under 2100 (for Restricted Category a i r c r a f t u t i l i z e d f o r
chemical dispensing operations - not over 2360, not under 2260) No
additional tolerance permitted
Diameter: Not over 80 in., not under 79 in.
Caution: Avoid operation between 1700 and 2100 rpm during descending
Parsing this closely, it seems to imply that cruising flight in the 1700-2100 range might be OK, but not descending flight. I recall a noticeable increase in vibration in this range, but it's been a while, and our operation was either full-out climb or descending as rapidly as engine would safely tolerate in a glider tow operation. As noted, the metal Hartzell props have a yellow band too. The fixed pitch McCauley worked well for this type of operation, and that's what the Fisher Agency ran on its Scouts for the Airforce Academy glider tow contract, though re-pitched from 41" to 39". The AFA is at around 6900' MSL.
Thanks. cubscout