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N271T -- PA-18-105 Special -- Which Drawings Best?

What's wrong with the Northland CD? You can also check out the drawings my web site. If you look at the Parts Catalog on the Northland CD (or my web site), it will tell you if a part number is for your serial number. So whatever part is for a PA18-105 would be identified. If they don't list a serial number then it applies to all serials.
OK, Bugs, thanks. I'll go back through the CD and see what I've missed.

I was thinking about screw placement and the number of holes to drill and the number of screws on the trailing edge, for instance.

The CD is not with me here in Podunktown, but back at the airport. Will it give me that info? I confess I quit going into it because the drawings were so slow to load, but now with a faster computer there . . .

That Babcock video has been of great value. So have all the answers here to my magpie questions, and now I'm off to your website.

Up, up, and awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy.
Hey, Bugs, great site and views of the mountains around Spokane. If I weren't building certificated, I'd go experimental too, and have done it before with a Renegade Spirit and a plastic airplane.

You have a great site. I spent a couple of hours in it yesterday and will go back and envy some more. No trailing edge on your wings, though.
The reason I'd like to have official PA-18 assembly drawings is mostly for authenticity and exact measurements. Besides, the FSDO here is a little anal. And so am I.

Go to Bugs66' site and type in 12422
This drawing details the attachment of the trailing edge to the wing and aileron.
42933 is a section of the aileron TE and shows the typical spacing of the screws in the forward face.
Hi James,
Thanks for coming to my site. Hope you find the drawing you are after. I am a member of Cub Club too, but as far as PA-18 drawings, they pretty much have the same stuff as Northland and what's on my web site. I ordered a drawing from them once, the quality wasn't very good for this particular drawing (photocopy of a photocopy x10). The drawing on my web site was light years better. I printed full size on my plotter at work and it was beautiful. Kinkos has plotters if you don't have access to one. Just take the image file to them on disk. You only have to do this on the extra large drawings that are not 8.5x11 or 11x17 if you have it.