Roger, I spend most of the summer near Dryden, ON. Have a PA-18 on straight EDO's there. Send me an email at and we can compare notes.
Superchub, nice lookin airplane. One comment, if you get in the cockpit from behind the strut, I think the door shock will be a pain in the a$$. My 2+2 has the same kind of doors and the shock is at the front of the door, out of the way. for what it's worth
Did you stay full width on the fusalage? I also have a 2+2 that is ready for a total restoration (next year or two) and have toyed with the idea of making it a tandem. I will take a close look at what you have done and I am sure get some good ideas from you.
Full width should fit you nicely. I am thinking about doing the same to my 2+2 not because I am tall but because I realy like to sit on the center-line. I would realy like to see your in person before I decide on mine. Where did you say you were based?
Duane Woolsey
Man that is some impressive build speed. And a really nice looking plane. If you are up for it you should hop over the rocks may 13th for the caveman flyin. Lot of Colorado and Utah pilots. U can get the details at the backcountry pilots site. It's a lot of fun.
I think a 2+2/PA14 flown from the center is awesome! Years ago I recommended that my 6'5" - 300+ buddy build a centerline pilot seat Bushmaster. He thought that was the craziest thing he'd ever heard. I told him him look at the Shirpa, the old Fairchild big cabins, the three place 20s and 30s biplanes, lots of side by side airplanes have had center seated pilot positions....Converted for tandem seats 2 place...
I think a 2+2/PA14 flown from the center is awesome! Years ago I recommended that my 6'5" - 300+ buddy build a centerline pilot seat Bushmaster. He thought that was the craziest thing he'd ever heard. I told him him look at the Shirpa, the old Fairchild big cabins, the three place 20s and 30s biplanes, lots of side by side airplanes have had center seated pilot positions.
Superchub, your ship is awesome! I think a tandem 2+2 is too cool. You may have started something....