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Momma CloudDancer to Train For New Type Rating!


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L. Ronstadt - J. Ingram Duet
:anon iz pickled TINK to announce that at 8:06 P.M. Central time on Dec.4th in the Year of Our Lord, Two Thousand Twelve -

Estelle Victoria Jacqueline (Sojak) CloudDancer - was accepted as a Cadet Basic Trainee candidate for the next class at the indisputibly unsurpassed and trooly UNIVERSALLY recognized, prestigious "St. Peter's Academy of :angel::Ginnocent::angel:". Cadet Basic "Jackie", as she iz known to her friends, wuz immediatley greeted and welcomed to the spacious and sprawling campus by several friends, but as always, only had eyes for one man.

Instantly reunited with her decades long love (and St. Peter's "Class of 1996" alumni) Edward Francis CloudDancer, Momma CD was last seen draggin' her lover-boy this way and that as she raced from group to group. She wuz heard to be joyously squealing like a liddle girl when reunited with her brother, sister and her Mom and Dad.

My guess is - right at this very instant...she doesn't even remember my name. But that's okay. She will in a few hours after she settles down a liddle bit an' catches up on all the heavenly goings-on. That gurl LOVED to dance since way afore I wuz even a twinkle in Poppa CD's eye. In fact...ye-e-e-ah! Momma allus TOLD me that she very FIRST locked eyes with Poppa CloudDancer acrost a crowed USO dance hall floor one night in 1940. She SAID her girlfriend had to DRAG her there. She wuzn't "interested" in boys.

Poppa CD didn't want to go either and his barracks buddy kept badgering him to come along until Edward gave in. Just because it was easier to give in than to argue enny more and he didn't have ennything better to do. Momma CloudDancer said that as their eyes locked...hiz eyez :love: just like in the movies. (The "genesis" of Yer's Trooly?)

Dad said when hiz eyes met hers...it hit him in the gut. "That iz the girl I'm gonna' marry!" Neither one ever looked at another since.

Hey. You guyz! I LOVE you! Have a BLAST tonight CloudDancin'. Yer kid iz goin' to bed. I need sum :sleeping:!

:howdy Mom....

Momma CD Born April 29th, 1920 - REBORN - December 4th, 2012


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Cloudy, you have a great perspective and, as usual express yourself wonderfully. 92 ain't a bad run. My Grandmother made that trip at 94 and while I'll always miss her here on earth, it's far overshadowed by my thankfulness for all the time I had with her. I'm a far better person for it. Good Lord, your mother must have been a patient woman :Ginnocent:

WOW how wonderful to be remembered in such a way. Beautiful Tribute Cloudy. Blue skies and Tailwinds to a beautiful lady.
So sorry to hear about your loss, Cloudy, but what a wonderful tribute to your mom! I'm so glad she didn't wear a bag on her head - she's gorgeous!


With great style and flair you pass along such news in a manner which makes us glad to know you, and sorry we never met Mrs. CD. May we all be remembered so well!
Great tribute CD! Sorry for your loss. It sounds like she led a long and happy adventure filled life!
A great tribute to a Great Lady, thanks for sharing your love for your Mom with us Cloudy....I hope she gives a shout out to my sweet ole Mom when she settles into the 'heavenly routine'...
Gary, the greatest legacy your mom and dad left was their son, who has lived much, conquered much and who has helped many. I was not privileged to have met your mom, but I can tell you that I am very proud and thankful to have met you, and am thankful that you are here. She and your dad done good. What a nice piece you wrote. Thank you for sharing that with us. Please know that your friends here are behind you and we wish you peace as you pass through this time.

Thank you for everything.

Beautiful Lady Cloudy I am so sorry for your loss. Mommas are special and at 92 you were able to enjoy her company for a lot of years.
We are thinking of you in this difficult time.
Sorry for your loss cloudy, but what an awesome way to remember her!


Mr. CloudDancer, I'm sorry for your loss and enjoyed your tribute to your mother, and father. My mom got her "wings" several days ago, too, and she was a great example of a life well lived and shared. I hope our folks meet-up up there and have a grand time :Glaugh:

Gary: What a wonderful tribute. The photo most certainly reflects what is and was the "Greatest Generation". I had to say goodbye to my Mom last week, so it is fresh in my mind, a lot of what you must be feeling.

Peace be with you my friend.
