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Major Canada 100LL fuel shortages!


Delta, CO

Reports today from several sources. Only Western Canada 100LL fuel refinery at Edmonton had a quality issue with new (huge?) 100LL tank. So the refinery scratched (?) the whole batch. Hence, many places are running out of fuel--or do not have any 100LL period. One location reported Canada (?) purchased 500,000 gallons from U.S. to be trucked (?) up--but places are refusing it as they would have to charge upwards of $5.00 per liter (!!!) for that fuel to break even.

A user on my website, is planning a trip up thru Canada this coming week. Fred W, spent a major portion of his day today compiling the info linked here on https://fly2ak.com/Fuel/CanadaFuel01.xlsx current fuel status. Please see attached info! And a HUGE--MAJOR--thank you to Fred!

Two different formats:

Apple Numbers: https://fly2ak.com/Fuel/CanadaFuel01.numbers

CSV file: https://fly2ak.com/Fuel/CanadaFuel01.csv