mvivion said:But, this also begs the question regarding switching from SLSA certified to Experimental LSA. You can't just switch a certified airplane over to Experimental, can you do that with an SLSA??
Two points: First, you CAN switch a standard category aircraft to experimental. You just can't switch it to experimental AMATEUR-BUILT, which is what most people want to do. You can switch a standard category to experimental exhibition, experimental R&D, or a number of other purposes (non of which are as desirable as amateur-built).
Second, the regulation that allows experimental light-sport aircraft airworthiness certificates (14 CFR 21.191(i)) specifically allows a SLSA to be converted to ELSA (21.191(i)(3)). The primary purpose of this rule is to allow "orphaned" aircraft (ones for which a manufacturer no longer exists exists for continued airworthiness in accordance with 21.190 and 91.327) to be operated.