I recently sold a CubCrafters Sport Cub and bought a Legend Cub AL-3.It seems like a well built plane. I cannot trim below 75 to 80 MPH on final. Rigging checks OK. Any Ideas?
I recently sold a CubCrafters Sport Cub and bought a Legend Cub AL-3.It seems like a well built plane. I cannot trim below 75 to 80 MPH on final. Rigging checks OK. Any Ideas?
Not unusual. With no one in the back seat that’s what it does. What serial number do you have? Later models had an assist spring added to help with that issue. I don’t think it can be retrofitted. I had number 1003. First customer delivery. Flew it for 700 hrs or so. It never bothered me.
When you say you can't trim below 70 to 80 mph on final, what exactly do you mean? The stabilizer has more room to travel but won't move. The front of the stabilizer is sitting on the upper longhorn and can't move any more. The trim cable starts slipping at that speed. The indicator says I am at the bottom of travel but won't move. Are you timing for full nose up trim letting go of the stick and it won't slow below 75? With firewall vertical what are the degrees of trim +- from 0. Check to see if the Yoke is in correctly. DENNY
It’s just the nature of the beast. First, we don’t know how much the OP weighs. Second don’t know if he has a metal prop or wood prop. Mine was metal. Added about twenty pounds on the nose. Legend claims you can solo from either seat. You can, but you can’t reach the radios. from the back, so that tells you something about the empty CG. The Legend uses the double pulley trim system like a SC. It’s not prone to slipping. As I said, it never bothered me. I like to hold a little back pressure on power off glides. It doesn’t take much to glide at 60 or even 50. This “feature” is why they added the elevator assist spring in later models.
The CC Sport Cub has balanced elevators like a SC where the Legend has a stock J3 tail. I guess that could make a difference in the feel.
Once you do that and find the amount which satisfies you, do a weight and balance calculation. You will find by placing some weight at the tail, you will be needing a lesser amount of weight leaving you with a greater useful load.