Assuming your front cables wont let skis tip down over 10
degrees, if you want rig them outside in the COLD: A quick and dirty way, is just grab your digital level and lift the tail up to till your level( barrel) with your DL resting between throttles,
Have one new rear cable already nicopressed on a tab attached to rear of ski, have top nico sleave slightly pinched but so you can still slip it. Install top tab on rear bolt. Now simply raise the tail another 1.5 degrees, PAST level,
View attachment 40402and then singe the cable as tight as you can and crimp it. Now remove that one and go Inside ,and make another one exactly the same and your DONE....( Atlees old 2x4 with two nails still makes a great jig) This way both sides are exactly the same from outside tab holes .
This is not as accurite as on a hanger floor, heat at 75 degrees, listening to music
https://youtu.be/kuq7RYQ8Wa0 with the skis off the floor, and plumb bob in the door frame . But it "is darn close" . Here is one that was done by A&P that way recently; to rig a Cruiser to Fed 1500's that had Citabria cables......... 5 above zero, that day, he was. done in 20mins. 103 mph at 2400 with a 74" short prop. Pedestal height on skis is patheticly LOW...... So AOA is nowhere near what it should be, but. Here it is in 15" of snow, with half tanks.Aprox 300' from cameraman.