Just looking for a real good window latch that will keep my window open, no matter what, when I want it kept open. My latch was new 4 years ago when the plane was rebuilt but isn't holding window up when I need it to now.
Years ago I used the base of a cabinet latch like the one shown, but made a new latch portion with the tab raised up a bit in order to get it closer to the window, open farther, and provide an more stable, easy to operate latch. It has worked flawlessly for 20 years.
Sorry, no. Way too buried with a long list of other things I need to do. It isn't too hard to make. A hacksaw, a couple of files, a drill and a 3/8" thick block of aluminum are all you really need. It just needs to open up a little more than the stock cabinet latch so it has more grip when latched. The stock one had a tendency to come loose.
This is a brass drawer catch from West-Marine. File the hook deeper and at more of an angle so that the tip can catch farther into the frame. This helps keep it from slipping off the window frame. So far it has remained hooked under most conditions.