I wish. From what I hear, prison food is a lot like Marine chow. Not gourmet, but edible.
In my case, though, it was the '60's Fire Ranger Depot daily special. Oatmeal and baked beans... for 3 months.
When I finally got out of the Bush, the first thing I did, (actually, second), was order a porterhouse and a bowl of oatmeal. And then, I told the oatmeal, "Now watch me eat steak!"
I switched from regular pepsi to diet a couple years ago... dropped 36 lbs (228 to 192) in 5 months, with no other changes in my diet or routine and have stayed that way.
My wife put me on a diet yesterday, when I got home from work I asked her if I could be on 2 diets at the same time. She asked me why would you want to do that? Cause I ain't getting enough to eat on one!